Chapter 5

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Severus awoke when the house elf popped in to tell them lunch was ready. He sat up with a yawn and smiled when he saw Tom was back. He had heard him come in but was half asleep, so he didn't really acknowledge it. "So how did it go? You didn't hex anyone right?" he asked nervously.

Tom chuckled as he got out of bed. "No love, I didn't hex or curse anyone. I really thought about it but I didn't" he said with a smile

Lucius laughed "Mmm, such a gentleman. Not hexing or cursing anyone." He teased as he got out of bed as well. "Let's go eat some lunch then I am assuming we have to go get Sev's stuff?"

Tom nodded "Yes, and we will be going with him. I am not taking any chances." he said softly.

Severus nodded at that. "Sounds fine to me. Let's go eat, I am starving." He said with a smile. They all headed downstairs and enjoyed some lunch. After lunch they headed to Hogwarts. They ended up getting Severus's stuff without a hitch. Just a few stares more or less. Not even James and his little gang said anything.

--Time skip to 1980, just after Draco is born--

A brief description of events before we get into this time skip. Severus is earning his potions mastery. I do plan on having him start his teaching in 1981, like it is canon and what not. We will get to that when it comes to it though. As I was saying, Severus is earning his potions mastery. Draco was born June 5th 1980. Lucius carried him to full term, Tom and Severus spoiling him along the way. James and Sev have somewhat made up so he and Lily are once again friends. Luce is still wary of them and Tom hasn't really informed them on his "movement". Although Remus has become good friends with Tom after hearing his views on how he wants to change the creature laws. Sirius is still wary as well, but goes along with his boyfriend, Remus.

Now onto Tom's "movement". Here are some of the things he wants to change. He has somewhat of a gathering. Regulus, Barty Crouch Jr, Peter. Your usual death eater crowd except most of them aren't bad and they aren't called death eaters. No death eater raids or anything like that. In fact Tom has taken to trying to change wizarding laws with muggle raised wizards. He wants them to be introduced into the wizarding world much early. So they aren't so taken aback when they first arrive. Also so they know at least some wizarding basics as well. He also again wants to change some creature laws. So werewolves aren't so outcast in the world. They are allowed to have jobs, and be a normal person in society. They still must keep themselves and others safe when they shift for the full moon. Finally he wants to change so that the wizarding children of muggles are checked up on more often. He doesn't want to see children become victims of abuse like he and Severus were, even though Severus' mom was a witch. Now back on with our story.

It was a few weeks after Lucius had given birth, and all three men were slowly getting used to having a baby around the house. They all loved Draco very much. Lucius was currently snoozing on the couch while Tom had the baby. Severus was working on his mastery work so that is why Tom was on baby duty. He was currently feeding Draco while conducting a meeting. He was going on about plans with what they would be trying to do at the ministry. Tom had gotten himself somewhat of a following. People were rather aware as to what was happening and what all he was trying to do.

Harry was then born in July. Sirius was deemed the godfather. Severus was there for the birth as he and Lily had become good friends again. He was one of the first people to hold Harry. He was hoping for him and Draco to become good friends. For a while life was good. Severus had somehow managed to convince Dumbledore to let him teach for the upcoming school year in 1981. They had Draco's first birthday, and the little boy absolutely loved it. Draco adored dragons and he and Harry often played together. Then they celebrated Harry's birthday when it came around. Harry adored cats and enjoyed making a mess of himself with the cake.

First term started at Hogwarts. It was hard at first for the three men to manage taking care of Draco while they all somewhat worked, but they did make it work. Severus came home at the end of the days, getting Draco from either the Potters or from Remus when he occasionally visited. Then all at once, everything seemed to go wrong.

November 1st happened. Sirius was accused of blowing up 12 muggles. Dumbledore made it so the man had no trial. He was just sent straight to Azkaban. Sirius, of course, didn't do what he was accused of. Lucius was trying his best at getting the man a fair trial, but was coming up empty. Then that dreaded night happened. Halloween of 1981. Peter, of all people, that little rat. Except, no one knew it at first. Dumbledore of course was the first to accuse Tom of this. The worst of all was poor little Harry. He was given to the Dursely's. Since Lily and James had no wills written out, and Sirius was in Azkaban, Harry was given to the Dursleys. Remus was just beside himself. First Sirius was taken away, and then he couldn't even take Harry because he was a werewolf.

Severus was pacing back and forth in Tom's study. "We have to get him back Tom! Petunia hates magic! That poor boy is going to be hurt! He is not even going to get a childhood!" Severus said, sounding panicked. They needed Harry. He needed a proper childhood.

Tom got up and hugged Severus gently. Lucius rubbed the man's back as well. They had put Remus on baby duty since the man had been upset about Harry. The second best thing they could do was to let him watch Draco, under the other watchful eye of Regulus of course. "Love just sit down and relax. We will get him back, you just need to breathe okay. You seem to have forgotten that me and Lucius have extensive knowledge of the law system, as well as Lucius' influence in the ministry." He said softly

Tom turned back to his followers. He had called a meeting once he had first heard of the new. None of his followers had a clue as to who did it, but Peter hadn't shown up and that was rather odd. He was Tom's "most loyal" follower after all. Personally Severus and Lucius didn't like the man. Even if the other marauders had redeemed themselves. Tom quickly dismissed his followers and somehow managed to get Severus in bed and asleep. He and Lucius got Draco to sleep before joining Severus in bed. Tom knew it was going to be a long process in getting Harry, but they could do it. All Tom needed was Sirius out of Azkaban and people from the ministry besides Luce on his side.

Dumbledore's Downfall (it'll take place, just later on): Year 1Where stories live. Discover now