Chapter 4

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Tom was livid. The excuse of a headmaster had made his Severus feel bad and he was going to make the man very aware that he has issues with it. Tom quickly apperated outside the grounds and made his way to the castle. He quickly got in and first made his way to Slughorn's office. He knocked on the door and smirked when the man opened it

Slughorn unaware that it wasn't a student coming to talk to him opened the door with a smile "Can I-" he started off and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw it was Tom.

Tom just smirked "Hi, I'm here on behalf of Severus. I don't want to make a scene, so please go back inside quietly." he said with a growl.

Horace rather quickly stepped back into his office, pulling his wand out and pointing it at Tom. "If you try anything I'll have you arrested!" He shouted, keeping his want pointed at Tom's chest.

Tom just chuckled and quickly disarmed Horace with the use of some wandless magic. "How cute." He said with a smirk. "I'm not here to hurt you, even if you do deserve it. I'm here to talk to you about the unacceptable things you said to my lover. Who very much is the consenting age and a legal adult. You are a pathetic excuse of a professor and an adult. Not to mention a horrible head of house. Sitting here watching Severus get bullied by his peers and not stepping in. You should be fired." He said in a harsh tone. He would be saving his yelling for the headmaster. "Now, what is the password to the headmaster's office. I know that old coot changes it every week, so either you give it to me or I will force it out of you." He growled out

Slughorn stood there for a second before nodding "I-It's lemon sherbet." He stuttered out before watching Tom storm out of his office. He quickly shut and locked his office door. He went over to the floo and floo called Albus, warning him about Tom.

When Tom got to Dumbledore's office he was surprised to find that the door opened without him saying the password. He then realized Slughorn had probably warned him. He walked in and got up to the man's office "I see you were expecting me." He growled out

"Ah Tom, how nice to see you. Lemon drop?" The old man asked, not seeming nervous at all.

"No thank you. I am here on behalf of Severus-" Tom started but was rather quickly interrupted by the older wizard.

"Ahh yes Severus. I had a conversation with him on Thursday. You see Tom he is rather clearly being manipulated by you and Lucius. Severus has great potential, and I do not want you ruining that. You have always been evil Tom and quite frankly you've messed up a bit of my plans." The older man said with an evil twinkle in his eye.

Tom was very angry. "HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME YOU CRAZY OLD MAN!" he shouted. "Severus will be taken out of Hogwarts. He has completed his NEWTS and will be taking on becoming an potions mastery. As for you..." he growled out. "You are a disgrace to the wizarding community! All these laws and decrees that you are helping pass is bad for our community! Not letting people affected by lycanthropy be functioning members of society! That also goes for any other creatures! Not to mention you aren't turning a blind eye to the muggle raised wizard who are being abused by their families! You let it happen to me and Severus!" He shouted at the man. Tom was livid. "Severus will be back tonight to grab his things. I will be with him and if you try anything I will hex you." he growled out before storming out of the office. He quickly got outside the ground and apparated back to Malfoy Manor. He knew Severus and Lucius would still be taking their nap so he went to join them. He took off his robes and laid behind Severus, shushing him gently when he stirred. Tom drifted off a few minutes later.

Dumbledore's Downfall (it'll take place, just later on): Year 1Where stories live. Discover now