Chapter 11

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Draco and Harry made their way to the common room, but were pretty much familiar with the castle since Severus was their father. Most of the upper students knew Harry and Draco because on the weekends they would visit when they were younger. They listened to Severus's spiel on how the house was big on unity and all that stuff. Harry and Draco had heard it all before so they really started listening when Severus started talking about study times.

"Study groups will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings from after dinner till 9:00. I'll be down on Wednesday nights, and my husband Lucius will be here to help on Friday nights. I have office hours from after dinner till about 8:30 besides those Wednesday nights since I will be here for the study groups. Office hours can be used for any issues you have regarding classes or anything else. I will also reserve those hours for meetings with students who might be failing classes. We can work together to make a plan and get those grades up. Also I do set bedtimes. I know it is silly, but everyone performs best if they are well rested. First through third years bedtimes are 9:30, fourth and fifth years are 10:00 and sixth years are 10:30. Seventh years don't have one, just be in the common rooms by the set curfew the headmaster mentioned this evening. Prefects will enforce bedtimes. That doesn't mean you have to be asleep by the times I said, but just be ready for bed and in the rooms. Girls dorms are on the left and boys on the right. If you need the hospital wing after curfew Madam Pomfrey does inform me who goes down and what time if it is after curfew, so you won't get in trouble. If you do go out after curfew, don't get caught or there will be consequences. One last thing before I set you all free to go. I know some of you may take medication or nutrition potions. I will have those, so at breakfast just come up to me and I will give you them. That is all for this evening. Please go to your dorms and get ready for bed. It is good to be well rested for the first day of school. I will also pass out schedules tomorrow morning." Severus finished, and left the common room with a swoop of his billowy robes.

Harry giggled a bit and turned to Draco. "He can be so dramatic." he said softly to his brother as they made their way to the rooms. Draco and Harry had a room with Blaise and Theo. Also on the weekends Severus had given them the option to stay in his and Lucius's quarters. Harry fully intended on doing that because he liked spending time with his parents.

Draco smiled at his brother. "He has to be so people are scared of him. You know that." He teased Harry as they both got ready for bed. Both boys ended up falling asleep rather quickly.

Meanwhile Severus and Lucius were both getting ready for bed in their quarters. Severus turned to his husband. "Did you see that Weasley kid say something to Harry when the sorting was happening? I mean I don't care who our kids are friends with, but Harry didn't seem too happy by what he said." Severus said, sounding a bit worried.

Lucius shrugged a bit as he faced his husband. "Don't worry about it too much Sev. If he was really bothered I think he or Draco would have told us. You know how people will tend to point out who he is. That may have happened. Let's just relax and go to sleep." He said softly to his husband. He gave him a kiss as they both laid down and fell asleep

Dumbledore's Downfall (it'll take place, just later on): Year 1Where stories live. Discover now