Chapter 15

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Severus was fuming when he was told about what had happened during Harry's flying class. He had been with his 7th year potions students when Lucius had firecalled him in his office. He had felt fine leaving his 7th years alone. It was a small class of only the best potions student, so they knew what they were doing. He had stepped into his office and got caught up on what had happened and was furious. He would not stand for Harry to be treated like this. He calmed himself before going back to the potions class he had. Luckily that was the last class of the day, so after this he could go to the headmasters office. He didn't doubt that the incident had already been reported, knowing both boys would be in trouble, but wanted Ron to suffer consequences. Yes, Harry punched a student, but Ron was very much out of line. Making fun of an abuse victim, and someone who had lost their parents crossed the line.

Once his seventh year potions class was finished, Severus made his way to the headmasters office. He whispered the password and walked in, already hearing Molly Weasley. Severus would destroy this woman if she spoke any bad words of his boys or husbands. Severus took a deep breath and walked up the stairs, entering the man's office.

Severus nodded his head to Albus and Molly "So I imagine we are here for the same reason." He mumbled

"Your son attacked my poor Ronald! What are you going to do about this! He can't just go around attacking students!" Molly shouted at Severus

Severus frowned. He wouldn't be holding his tongue this time. "Your son," he sneered, "decided to harass my child! He's been on Harry since the first day! Telling my son his DEAD parents would be disappointed in him! He keeps calling me and my husband his fake parents, and is berating him for being adopted! He was being abused, Molly! And your son is teasing Harry about emotionally sensitive topics! How would you like it, if Harry teased Ron about all the hand me downs he has, or about your economic status in general!" He shouted "Even then it isn't the same!" He shouted "Now I know it wasn't okay for Harry to hit another student, but I will not stand for Harry being bullied over the fact he was taken out of a bad home. Either Ronald faces the consequences, or me and my husband quit and pull our children out!" Severus said. He was still furious.

Albus sighed and held up a hand to Molly, so she couldn't make the situation worse. He couldn't afford to lose Severus and Lucius. They were his way to the dark lord and his downfall. "Alright Severus. 20 points will be taken from each house, and Ronald will serve a month's detention. Harry for punching another will serve 2 weeks of detention with Lockhart, and Ron will serve his detention with Filch. Does that sound reasonable?"

Severus nodded and left before Molly could even speak a word. He didn't want to hex the women, and he needed to check on his sons, and tell Tom about what happened. He returned to his quarters and smiled when he saw Harry asleep on Lucius's chest and Draco cuddled next to them.

Lucius smiled when he saw his husband walk in "Hey, how did it go?" he asked softly, not wanting to wake Harry.

Severus sighed softly. "It went okay. Ron has detention for a month with Filch, and Harry has detention for 2 weeks with Lockhart. Both houses lost 20 points as well. I think I may floo home and tell Tom about what happened."

Draco perked up "Can I go with you please mom?"

Severus smiled "Sure, we can take Harry too, because I am sure Dad would like to see him as well. Especially after all that happened today."

Lucius nodded smiling and gently woke Harry up, explaining that they were going to go see Tom. Soon the family flooed over to the manor, Harry and Draco both running inside and going to find Tom. The man was currently in the middle of a meeting with his followers, but had felt the wards around the house give when his family arrived. He smiled a bit and called the meeting to a close, but told Remus and Sirius to say since he would assume they would want to see Harry and Draco. The rest of his followers leave just as Harry and Draco ran into the office. Harry immediately ran to Tom, climbing into his lap and snuggling close. Draco ran to see Sirius and Remus, giving them both hugs.

Remus frowned "Harry, don't you want to come and give us hugs? We haven't seen you in awhile."

Harry just stayed snuggled into Tom, not budging. He wanted his dad right now. Severus and Lucius walked into the room.

"Harry has had somewhat of a bad day, you two are welcome to stay, because some action needs to be taken." Severus said as he and Lucius took a seat.

Tom frowned "What happened? What did that old fool do now?" Tom growled and held Harry a bit closer.

Lucius sighed softly "Not the old fool this time. A Weasley." He said with a sigh. Lucius explained to Tom what happened when the boys were in flying class.

Tom was pissed. He wanted to pull both boys out of Hogwarts, but knew that was a little dramatic. "We need to get a plan going on how to get him out, or at least get things at the ministry rolling. I know Sirius is somewhat making way, and so is Barty, but we have an issue. Dolores Umbridge."

Remus rolled his eyes. "She is not just a problem, she is a nuisance. I don't know how that toad has so much sway in the ministry, but she does. She's the reason I can't get a job. Thankfully the Minister has some sense, and doesn't really listen to her on somethings, but he isn't really open to new ideas."

"You know, I can go in and see if I could persuade anyone. I am a Malfoy after all." He said with a smirk. "Just tell me what needs to be done. If the Minister has any sense he will at least listen to someone who pays almost half his salary with the donations and such that I make."

Tom thought for a second and nodded. "It might just work. This weekend come home Lucius." He said and turned to Sirius and Remus "You two come as well and relay the message to Barty." He said and then turned to Severus. "Stay at Hogwarts with the boys. I don't want the old fool to suspect anything."

Severus looked at his husband with a small smirk. "Tom Marvolo Riddle, what do you have planned?"

Tom chuckled. "You'll see Severus. You four should probably get back to the castle. Don't want him getting suspicious."

Harry climbed down from Tom's lap and gave Sirius and Remus a quick hug goodbye, and Draco did the same before hugging Tom goodbye. Soon they were back at the castle and headed to The Great Hall for dinner. Harry and Draco both curious as to what their father was planning.

Dumbledore's Downfall (it'll take place, just later on): Year 1Where stories live. Discover now