God Brother

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It had been months since that night and Noelle had been walking in the hall, joking with George when Harry pulled her to the side out of no where and into a closet.

"God what a weird kid." George shrugged and walked away, leaving Harry to tend to her.

"What the hell Harry!"

"I have to tell you something! Something important."

"Okay what is it?"

"It's about Sirius...I overheard a meeting between all the professors and some parents..Sirius was their friend...we know this but he gave them up! He gave them up to Voldemort!"

"Who Harry?"

"My parents! He turned on my parents. He killed them, and his other friend, Peter-"

"Pettigrew..yeah I've heard of him.."

"There's one more thing..he's my godfather."

With joy in her face she hugged the boy in front of her tightly, slightly suffocating him to the point he had to pull away.

"That means your my god brother!" She said looking at him with a smile on her face.

"Yeah..I guess." He smiled back opening the closet door and leading her out. They had started walking down the hall as they joked and just talked. She was holding his arm and dragging him through the corridors when he wrapped his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder as they kept walking.

"Ya know...I think it's gonna be fun to have me as a sister. I've never had a sibling before so I wouldn't know but I think I'd be a good sister." She laughed, taking a turn and bumping into Fred.

With her head still on his shoulder she wasn't paying attention but she soon realized she bumped into Fred and, pushed away from Harry.

"Hey love!" She said, "wanna walk?"

"What the hell is going on?" He questioned looking between the 2 teens in front of him.

"Oh do I have some news for you!" She replied with a smile on her face.

"News? The fact I just seen you all cuddled up to Harry is news enough." He sighed walking past them and shoulder chucking Harry on the way.

"I should- yeah.." Noelle looked at Fred and back at Harry who nodded to her. She chased after the boy yelling for him to stop.

"Fred! Fred come on it isn't like that!" But he kept walking. "Fred!" Still not answer. "FRED WEASLEY IF YOU DONT STOP RIGHT NOW!" With the change of tone and raise in her voice he stopped and she was able to catch up with him.

"Jesus if you would let me explain and not make me chase you around you'd know that I just found out Harry is my freaking god brother, but you can't get your head so far out of your arse to notice anything but what you want to think! I was happy Fred, that's why I was with Harry! Jesus!" She yelled in the boys face as he looked down at her, his expression softening.


"No save it. I'm going to dinner. You can come talk to me when you've fixed your attitude and gotten your head straight!" She yelled, rolling her eyes and walking towards the great hall.

"Damn it!" Was the last thing she heard and a smack against the concrete wall before she rounded the corner to dinner.

"Hey how'd it go?" Harry asked as she sat down across from him at the table.

"He needs to get his head out of his arse." She rolled her eyes, filling her plate.

"What happened?" Ron asked looking between the two.

"Just Fred, being an annoying git."

"Sounds like him!" George nodded, sending her a small laugh before focusing back in on the conversation in front of him with Oliver and Lee.

She sighed and picked at her food until it was time to head back to the dorms. She walked into her dorm awaiting her friends as she lie in bed reading. Everyone have just about gone to sleep when Noelle snuck off to the common room when she was met with a tall boy on the couch.

"Fred? What the hell are you doing up?" She asked sitting on the couch across from him.

"Couldn't sleep...not with us leaving things how we did. How bout you?"

"Couldn't sleep either but I wouldn't blame the fight." She rolled her eyes, staring back into the fireplace.

"Listen Noelle, if I had known he was your god brother I wouldn't have acted like I did! It was suspicious from my point of view, you were practically on top of him what was I supposed to think?"

"I don't know...maybe let me explain before running off!?" She spat back with attitude.

"Noelle if it were me and Angelina like that would you not have done the same thing?" She stayed silent just looking at him.

"Exactly." He replied, patting the seat beside him. She stood up and sat next to him, laying her head in his lap as he played with her hair.

"I guess I was a little harsh huh." She sighed, closing her eyes.

"Yeah..you could say that." He laughed looking down at the girl I front of him.

As she drifted off to sleep he pushed the hair in front of her face, behind her ear leaning down to whisper to her before picking her up and taking her to bed.

"I love you Noelle Black." And he took her to her dorm, set her in his bed and left, going back to his own dorm to sleep an endless sleep of dreams of his proud girl friend.

So like..when I say god brother I mean like since Sirius is her dad and his godfather it kinda makes then like godsiblings or something idrk.

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