Finding the Moonstone

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We walked to the school as Bucky's limo drove off.
"What's that?!" Bucky yelled.
The ACEY'S turned around to see us.
"Zombies!" Bucky yelled.
"And werewolves!" Jacey added.
"In formal wear?!" Stacey finished.
"They look good!" Lacey said.

We walked up to them.
"You guys can't be here, there are laws against this." Bucky protested.
"Bad laws are meant to be broken." Zed said.
"And monsters don't follow the rules," Eliza added and gave Zed a high-five, "Zombies are a part of Seabrook, Bucky. And we deserve to be here."
"Well we're a part of Seabrook too." I said.
"The originals in fact." Wyatt added.

"Someone's gotta stop you." Bucky said and went to pull the Z-alarm.
I walked over and growled at him just as he was about to pull it, he screamed in fear.
"Welcome to prawn!" He squeaked.

We walked inside and all eyes were on us, mostly me, since last time they saw me I was human. Bonzo and Bree ran to each other, then Zed and Addison ran to each other. Everyone was talking and no one was talking, weird, then Zed and Addison started, so people started dancing. Wyatt held out his hand.
"May I have this dance?" He asked with a flirty smirk.
I smiled and laughed.
"You may." I smiled.
He walked closer to me and put his hands on my waist, I put my hands on his shoulders and we began to dance to the singing of Addison and Zed. Then the ground began to shake violently.

"This way!" Zed yelled.
We all followed him, we were running through the hall, then a crack formed in the middle of the floor.
"The energy from the moonstone must have created the fault line!" Blaze yelled.
"If we follow this crack it will lead us to the moonstone!" Tai added.
"So it's only buried and not destroyed!" I yelled.
"We have to get to it!" Wynter yelled.

"What are we waiting for? Come on!" I yelled and jumped down into the hole.
I lead the wolves through the tunnel.
"There! Follow the light!" Wyatt instructed.
I saw the glowing light of the moonstone and followed it through the debris. Then I saw the large, glowing, blueish-purple stone.
"Here it is!" I yelled.

I climbed through the last little bit of debris then helped the others through it. Once everyone was through i watched them take off their necklaces and touch them to the moonstone. They're eyes glowed and they growled. Then the ground shook again.
"We have to get it out of here!" Willa yelled.
"Legend says that together, our pack can move the stone." Wyatt said.
"Everyone! Lift!" I yelled.

We lifted the stone up, but dropped it almost immediately.
"It's too heavy!" Wynter said.
"There's not enough of us!" Willa yelled.
"Then maybe you need to expand your pack." Blaza said.

"Blaza, guys?" I asked.
"We came to help." Alex said.
"Come on everyone we got this!" Addison yelled.
Wolves, Zombies and Humans, even the ACEY'S came to help. We lifted it up, but dropped it as the ground shook and a slab of concrete blocked the doorway.
"The chamber's collapsed, we can't carry the moonstone through." Wyatt said.

"Blaze! Zed! Your Z-bands are still broken!" Blaza yelled.
"Take them off and lift the slab, you can do this guys." Eliza said.
"We're not ready!" Blaze protested.
"What if we can't control it?!" Zed asked.

The chamber shook violently.
"Zed, Blaze, you guys have too!" Addison said.
Everyone looked at them with pleading eyes. Then they took off their Z-bands and their veins turned purple, then they roared.
"Yes!!!" Wynter yelled.

They roared and lifted the slab of concrete out of the way, we picked up the moonstone and carried it out. Just as we got through, they dropped the concrete, closing themselves in.
"Zed! Blaze!" Addison, Blaza, Eliza, Alex, Tai and I yelled.
Then we saw the light of two Z-bands. I ran over to them, punched them, then hugged them.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" I yelled.

I pulled away, then Addison hugged Zed, and Blaza hugged Blaze.
"Zed! Are you okay?!" Addie asked.
"Yah, I'm fine." He said.
Blaza and Blaze said the same things.
"We crushed it! We nailed it! We so rock! Yes!" Wynter yelled.

Willa looked at her.
"Too much?" Wynter asked.
"Perfect." Willa answered with a smile.
"We did it!" I yelled.
Eliza took a picture of Zed and Addison together.
"We're getting our first zombie on the prawn wall of fame." Eliza smiled.

I howled, followed by the other wolves, and everyone else. Then Bonzo howled.
"Hey, you said that perfectly." Wyatt smiled.
"Bonzo has an ear for languages." Bree smiled
We all laughed and carried the moonstone back to the gym.

"We are all different, baby But that's what I like." Addison sang.
"We're separate, but we're together Like stars in the sky." I sang.
"We got a good thing going on. Yeah, nobody has to feel alone." Alex sang.
"Oh, yeah!" The three of us sang.

"One of us chased the day! And one of us faced the night! And all of us paved the way! To where we all are tonight! Turned around! And now we found! That we are now! All!" Everyone sang.
"One for all, used to be divided!" I sang.
"One for all, now we're all united!" Addison sang.
"One for all, this party ain't private!" Wyatt sang.
"One for all, everyone's invited!" Willa sang.
"One for all, no wristband required!" Eliza and Blaza sang.
"One for all, get hype, get excited!" Blaze and Tai sang.
"One for all, one for all! One for all, one for all!" Everyone sang.

"There's something here that's magic." Wyatt sang.
"Let's dance until dawn!" Zed sang.
The feeling is automatic." Tai sang.
It's where we belong." Blaze sang.
We're so unique, we're not the same." Zed sang.
Yeah, and that's what gives us all our strength!" Wyatt sang.

Bucky gave Addison the cheer captain jacket.

"One of us chased the day! And one of us faced the night! And all of us paved the way! To where we all are tonight! Turned around! And now we found!" Everyone sang.

Eliza took off her Z-band and gave it to a wolf named Rowan. She roared, then Rowan put the Z-band back on her wrist.

"That we are now All!" Everyone sang.

All the cheerleaders and I came together.

"We about to bring it on-on! Watch me shake it like a pom pom! Yeah, shake it, shake it, shake it! Shake it, shake it! Shake it like a pom pom!" We sang.

The cheerleaders left as the zombies took their spot, Addie and I with them.

"Yeah, get sick, get ill! Lean back with the zombie tilt! Hey, with the zombie tilt! Yeah, with the zombie tilt!" We sang.

The zombies and Addison left and the wolves took their spot, Eliza and I with them.

"New kids on a new block!" The others sang and we howled.
"Werewolves do the moonwalk! Do the mooooon! Do the moooon!" We sang and touched our hands on the moonstone.

We carried the moonstone back to the den.

"One for all, used to be divided!" Wyatt and I sang.
"One for all, now we're all united!" Addison and Zed sang.
"One for all, this party ain't private!" Tai and Alex sang.
"One for all, everyone's invited!" Willa sang.
"One for all, no wristband required!" Eliza and Rowan sang.
"One for all, get hype, get excited!" Blaze and Blaza sang.
"One for all, one for all! One for all, one for all!" Everyone sang.

Zed's dad and my parents came in with boxes of pizza.
"Who wants pizza?!" They shouted.
Everyone cheered and took the pizza boxes.

"One for all! One for all! One for all! One for all! One for all!" We sang.

The wolves and I howled.

"One for all!" We sang.

Wyatt pulled me close to him and kissed me. The wolves howled and the others cheered. When I opened my eyes again I saw that Zed and Addie kissed, Tai and Alex kissed, and Bree and Bonzo kissed. I smiled.
"This is our happily ever after." Wyatt said.
"Eh, let's wait and see what tomorrow brings." I smiled and kissed him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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