𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢. will we talk?

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After their little sing song last night, Scott took Maisie up on her offer about going back to her place, although it had led them to the unexpected.

Maisie woke up with Scott by her side, who had his arm wrapped around her neck. It only took her a few seconds to comprehend what had probably happened last night as she lay awake.

"Scott..." She softly poked him, trying to get his attention which worked, waking him up immediately.

"What?" He murmured before waking up properly to look at the smaller girl.

"Did we?" She screwed her face up, struggling to remember a thing from the previous night.

"Did we what?" Scott failed to understand before realising what she meant. "I think we did..." As he looked at the open condom wrapper lying on the floor.

"Just a bit much champagne, eh?" Maisie awkwardly tried to laugh the situation off. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have invited you back here."

"At least we did it safely too." The footballer tried to keep the joking momentum up, although it didn't work.

"Just get out." The girl shook her head, now starting to regret her decisions. "Ebony and Callie are going to wonder what the hell happened last night."

"Wait, Maisie." Scott stopped to think for a second. "We shouldn't leave things like this."

"What difference does it make?" Maisie huffed at him. "All I know is I got off with Scott who's a football player and who I'll probably never see again."

"That's what I wanted to change." He tried his hardest to win her round. "I want to apologise because I'm never normally like this. Literally the only other person I've been with is my ex girlfriend."

"I'm glad we're on the same page about that then, with the exes thing." She had began to had warmed to the boy.

"Plus, I think we got on really well last night, as friends of course." He watched his wording, as the smaller girl carried on nodding in agreement. "I was hoping we could keep that friendship going, that's if you wanted to of course."

"You know what, I'd like that." The brunette nodded her head, liking the idea more and more. "So tell me what football team do you play for?"

"I'm a defender for Manchester United as well as playing for my country time and time again."  Scott explained to her, with Maisie looking impressed.

"My brother and nephew are die hard United fans. Despite Teddy only being two years old and only knowing that Rashford lad." She chuckled away to herself.

"You have a brother and a nephew?" The defender sounded just as amazed, making the Glaswegian girl giggle. "Maybe I could do something for them if they're fans."

"You never know." Maisie shrugged. "Are you an only child or? Just that you sounded amazed at the sound of Ollie and Teddy."

"Quite the opposite actually, I have an older sister and a niece." He smiled away at the thought of how similar but different their lives really were.

"Sucks being the youngest, parents constantly praising the 'golden child' because they're so much more successful than you. With a good job, a house, married and a child."' She began ranting on before realising she'd perhaps went too far and opened up too much. "I'm sorry, I got a bit carried away there."

"Hey, no, no." Scott put an arm around her in comfort, sympathising with her. "No matter how much you love them, you're always stuck in the shadow of them."

"You understand the feeling?" Maisie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion for a second or two. "I thought your lot would be dead proud with a son playing in the Premier League."

"Hey! Footballers do have feelings too." He jokingly exclaimed, making her giggle. "They are proud, of course they are, but my sisters got it all worked out for herself, I can only be a footballer for so long."

"Someone who finally gets it, I never thought I'd see this in all my days." The brunette gave a lighthearted chuckle, now enjoying Scott's embrace. "Thanks a lot, you know, for even listening to me ramble on."

"Ey, it's what friends are for." The eldest of the pair reassured her.

"So we're friends now?" Maisie jokingly scoffed at the footballer. "How about we have some breakfast or something?" She kindly offered.

"Cheeky." Scott playfully elbowed her before stopping to think for a second. "It depends what your making me."

"A full Scottish any use to you?" She questioned as she got changed into some clothes, which were probably from the previous night.

"Certainly." Scott nodded with delight. "Anything's bloody better than that scrawny hotel food. The food tastes like utter plastic."

The pair laughed away at Scott's ordeal, before they were interrupted by a ping on his mobile phone, followed by another and another.

"Whats that?" Maisie questioned him, as he looked onto his phone. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'll have to get off now though." His tone of voice slightly dampened, as he got dressed quickly. "The boys are wondering where I am, something to do with a team meeting with the gaffer."

"Yeah, you don't want to miss that just for me." She accepted that he had to go, with work coming first for the footballer. "Listen, when will I see you again?"

"I'm here until Thursday, so maybe plan something Wednesday?" Scott offered the smaller girl, with her nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, I would love that." Maisie smiled at him.

"Great, I'll leave my number here for you. I'll text you the details." He said, now prepared to leave.

"Great, catch you later." With the pair now exchanged phone numbers and a hug, before the footballer left the girl's flat.


happy monday folks!

i have some holiday inservice thing so three days no online school! maybe sometime to catch up with writing (have a few books close to publishing).

what's your guilty pleasure in music?

lockdown has turned me into a middle aged woman, mines are either boyzone, take that and robbie williams (thanks mum and dad!)

all my love, b x

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐦𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐲Where stories live. Discover now