𝐱𝐢𝐢. friday, im in love

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"You know I'm going to miss our usual tradition of us going out on a Friday night. It's all changing now your wifed up." Callie cackled, with the two girls helping their best friend look her best for the night.

"Callie, it's one night." Maisie shook her head at the other brown haired girl.

"Well, she didn't deny the other part." Ebony added on, only to continue to wind up their best friend.

"You shut it too." The brown haired girl turned to Ebony, also shaking her head in reply. "Hardly 'wifed up', Scott and I are just friends and nothing more."

"Friends don't look at each other the way that you two do."

"And friends don't just kiss each other here and there."

"Also, friends do-" Callie started before she was harshly cut off by Maisie.

"Will you two just shut up and help me get ready?" Maisie huffed, now looking at the time, it would only be a matter of minutes until Scott was due to arrive at her flat. "Like now!"

"You look fine, you're ready." Ebony said, side eying the girl to give her one last final check over. "Doesn't she, Callie?"

"But what if I'm not dressed to occasion? What if Scott's dressed up and I'm like, well this." She sighed, starting to get into a panic now. "What if he doesn't like it?"

"Stuff what he thinks, if he doesn't like it then we'll tell him where to go." Callie said, giving the girl a more than reassuring smile to hopefully lift her spirits. "Isn't that right, Ebs."

"Correct." The other girl said, also returning the smile full of reassurance. "You look amazing, Mais."

"Thanks you two, what would I do without you both?" Maisie finally returned the smile, as the trio shared their rather soppy but usual group hug.

"We better get a move on otherwise we'll be thirdwheels." The blonde haired girl chuckled to herself, as both of the girls were getting prepared to leave. "Good luck and tell us every single detail!"

✰  ✰  ✰

"Sorry I'm late! May have gotten a little lost down the corridor there." Scott chuckled, letting himself into the girl's flat.

"The long and winding corridor." Maisie said, laughing with him. "It's better late than never."

"So, what we thinking? Takeaway with a boxset or something?" The footballer curiously asked, preparing to take his coat off.

"Don't think so, coat back on." The brunette smugly smiled, making Scott following her orders. "We're going out for the night."

"Yeah, where?"

"Just wait and see!"

"Don't keep me in suspense." Scott pleaded with her.

"Just a few of my favourite places." Maisie said as he did exactly as he was told. "Come on, hurry up!"

✰ ✰ ✰

"You seriously didn't bring me back to this place?" Scott looked above to the sign, now realising they had found themselves outside the same karaoke bar that they met in all those months ago.

"Well, it is one of my favourite places." Maisie said in reply, whole grinning like the cheshire cat. "Without this place, you wouldn't be right here with me right now, wouldn't you?"

"True point." He said, now giving into the fact. "Whilst we're here, why don't we have a sing a long to something?"

"Yeah, like what?" She screwed her face up, remembering her friends and Scott's teammates absolutely butchering some good golden oldies.

"Yes, Sir I Can Boogie?" Scott asked with a hopeful smile. "Really are taking this back to the night we met."

"Oh, you're on!" Maisie immediately gave in, with the pair racing one another to the stage to fight for the microphone.

✰ ✰ ✰

"And what's this place supposed to be?" Scott said, looking around outside trying to find some kind of indication where Maisie was taking him next.

"Crazy golf, my absolute favourite." She squealed, dragging Scott in behind her. "Even better, it's glow in the dark."

"Glow in the dark? You're never going to see a damn thing." The footballer blurted out without thinking.

"Exactly, glow in the dark." Maisie reinitiated for the taller boy. "Funnily enough the golf ball and things on the course glow, silly."

"Oh, I get it now." Scott said, chuckling away to himself now. "Must have been having a blonde moment."

"Certainly are." She laughed with him, as they collected their sticks and balls from the counter. "Now let me show you how it's done." She confidently said it, walking up to the first hole before putting it straight over. With the ball landing miles away from where she had hoped.

"It's going to be a long night."

✰ ✰ ✰

"I thought you were taking me to your favourite stadium here?" Scott screwed is face up at the familiar site of Hampden Park right in front of his eyes. "So much for being a tour guide, this is about the only place I know here." He chuckled to himself.

"What stadium were you expecting?" Maisie laughed with him, awaiting for his answer. "This is the make or break question, answer wrong and I'm out of here."

"You always took me to be a Celtic kind of girl?" He said hesitantly, cocking his head to the side. "But I'll gladly guess that International is your favourite?"

"You've saved yourself from that one." She chuckled to herself. "That's how I was brought up anyway, lucky for you."

"Who knew you'd be rocking up here all these years later with your favourite footballer?" The blonde haired boy cheekily smirked.

"Now that's well arrogant." She jokingly shook her head at the taller boy. "But between you and I, you are my favourite."

"Come here you!" Scott chuckled, throwing an arm around the girl, keeping her close before they continued to wander the streets of Glasgow.

✰ ✰ ✰

two updates within a week? who is she?!

how are we all? up to anything exciting recently?

as exciting as it gets is that i've not long started the gym lmao and found it hard proving that i'm actually going to stick to it. almost finished school too, so there's a bonus!

all my love, b x

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