𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. love, hope and misery

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After their full day spent together doing and going to all of Maisie's favourite places, the pair had decide that to spend their last day together just by staying in and watching a boxset or two.

"Do you fancy a drink or something?" Maisie questioned, standing in her kitchen to try and fetch some food and drink to have along side this.

"Anything strong." Scott lightheartedly chuckled to himself, with the girl now off to select a drink to pour for them of her choice. "I'm going to need it." He murmured to himself quietly so Maisie wouldn't hear a thing.

"Turns out I didn't actually have a lot, I hope a can of beer or a few is sufficient enough." She joked, placing the remains of her booze stash in front of them. "These are for when Ollie comes round but there ours now."

"Lucky for you, these are my absolute favourite." Scott smiled away to himself, immediately cracking open one of the tins. "What are we going to watch, then?"

"I don't mind, the choice is yours." Maisie kindly offered him, passing over the television remote before he pushed it away.

"No, you choose." The blonde haired boy disagreed, letting her have the remote control back.

"How about Sunderland Til I Die?" The Glaswegian girl jokingly suggested, which only resulted in Scott grabbing the remote control back from her.

"On second thoughts, I'll choose." He chuckled, as he searched through the Netflix recommendations. "How about some Friends?"

"You watch Friends?" Maisie questioned him. Although that there was nothing wrong with it, she was certainly surprised.

"It's a guilty pleasure of mine, not one that many people know." Scott slyly admitted to the girl. "Don't go about telling anyone, the boys would absolutely rinse me for that."

"I may go and tell Daniel." Maisie jokingly wound him up, receiving a stern look from the boy. "I'm joking, your secrets safe with me."

"So, have I found another fellow friends fan?" Scott asked, cocking his head to the side and receiving a nod from the girl. "The ultimate question, were Ross and Rachel on a break?"

"Of course they were!"

"Great, right answer." Scott confirmed as he switched on the first of many episodes of Friends, with the pair digging into their drink and snacks.

✰ ✰ ✰

"Mais, can I ask you something?" The footballer questioned, as he finished up the last tin of beer, leaving him the slightest bit tipsy.

"In a second, I want to see if she got off the plane." Maisie was quick to shut up him, with her attention diverting straight back to the television.

"How many times have you watched this part though? It's kinda important." He said, playing around with his thumbs as a distraction. "We all know Rachel got off the plane."

"Shut up. You're a boring drunk." She replied, not taking her eyes off of the television screen. "I got off the plane." Maisie said in unison, at the same time on the television.

"Please, Mais." Scott reached up and got a hold of the remote, turning the tv off for a moment or two.

"Hey! I was watching that."

"Well, you're not now." The Scotland international half laughed. "Now, would you listen to me for a second?"

"This better be worth it." Maisie replied, finally giving into the football with the sudden urge to tell her this. "It better not be the booze talking, either."

"I don't think that there's really any easy way to say this but I really like you, Mais." Scott spilled out, taking the Glaswegian girl aback. "I mean it, like more than friends."

In reply all Maisie could do was let a lighthearted chuckle out, hoping that it was just the drink doing all the talking.

It's not that she didn't feel the same way, 100% she did. Of course, she did. She just didn't know how to tell him and the thought of commitment was a scary thing for her right now

"So, that's it? You're just going to laugh at me and leave me hanging?" Scott got up, shaking his head in disappointment. "Thanks a lot."

"Give over, you're drunk." Maisie said, trying to reason with him. "Why can't we talk about this once you've sobered up? We always do the stupidest things when we're drunk." This hitting Scott like a ton of bricks.

"As the saying goes, drunk words are sober thoughts." The footballer said, shrugging his shoulders. "So, what's it going to be?"

"I already told you your answer, let's talk about this another time."

"But, I want an answer now." Scott pleaded back to her. After all, it took him a lot of time and courage to the build up of this.

"In that case, your answers no." Maisie blatantly replied, still wanting to wait to have this conversation at a later date.

With nothing more to be said or done, Scott took this as his cue to leave. Simply opening and slamming the door behind him to leave, left Maisie now only realising the biggest mistake she had ever made.

Letting him get away.

✰ ✰ ✰

this went up way later than i had hoped to but i guess it's good timing for scotland's opening euro match today with czech republic :)

unfortunately im missing the whole thing with having a driving lesson but hopefully the boys play to the best to their abilities. this is the furthest (in my lifetime) i've seen scotland go, so im just chuffed we got to this stage.

who was your favourite footballer growing up?

as a child from my home team, i absolutely adored scott vernon (in his prime at aberdeen) and josh magennis! (don't rinse me, these are like my earliest memories of football as a child😭🤣)

from manchester united, i loved watching rooney, ronaldo and van persie growing up. those were the days <33

all my love, b x

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