chapter twenty-two

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Because in my world, I'm constantly, constantly havin' a breakthrough (hmm)
Or a breakdown, or a blackout

clementine - Halsey


Lyra Perry's Mirror, Mirror Brings Life and Meaning Back to Pop Music

By: Brandon Zenith, Staff Writer for Rolling Stone

The term 'sophomore slump' is not in Lyra Perry's dictionary.

The Best New Artist and Album of the Year GRAMMY winner released her second album on Friday. Within forty-eight hours, it has collected the same amount of critical acclaim some artists get their entire careers - and for good reason. Mirror, Mirror shows depth, artistry, and talent matched by few others in the music industry.

"Mirror, Mirror is about my family," Perry explains in my interview with her earlier this week. "My debut was primarily about myself - my hopes and dreams, my failures along the way in achieving them. Mirror, Mirror shifts away from that and is instead inspired by my family. Which, funnily enough, is probably a better way to define myself than my first album. When I look in the mirror, all I see are the ways that my family has shaped me."

And Mirror, Mirror is just that: a beautifully uplifting and heartbreaking ode to the Perry family. "Scars", the lead single, describes how Perry felt waking up the hospital after the tragic car accident that took her father's life. Fans will feel her pain in its heavy, rhythmic bass. They'll understand her regret over not having the opportunity to know her mother in "Growing Pains", a Latin-inspired track that pays homage to Perry's maternal Mexican heritage.

But perhaps most surprising of all are the two songs about Perry's brother. The album's closing song, "Brother Dearest", is a simple piano lullaby oozing heartfelt emotion as an imagined four-year old Perry sings to her newborn baby brother.

When asked about "Brother Dearest", Perry only smiles. "I wrote that one in fifteen minutes. I didn't sing much when I was little, but if I had, I imagine it would be a little something like "Brother Dearest"." She pauses, chuckling lightly. "Well, actually, that's assuming four year old me knew how to carry a tune without being flat."

At only twenty-four years old, Perry shows immense promise for future success. Beyond Mirror, Mirror, the L.A.-based pop singer is scheduled for an impressive twenty-two stadium American tour this summer. And she has an upcoming collaboration with international sensation BTS that is sure to dominate the charts for the rest of the year.

After listening to Mirror, Mirror in its entirety (and three more times, twice for good measure and once for pure enjoyment), I can say one thing for certain: Lyra Perry is not living in her father's shadow.

Mikka set her tablet down with a contented sigh. "Zenith covered your album."

"I heard." I reclined in an armchair, dragging a finger down the cool window pane of Mikka's office. "You just read the entire article out loud."

"Zenith wrote about you. Zenith," Mikka gushed. "Do you know what he's done for artists in the past? People have been on top of Billboard for weeks solely because of his reviews."

"That's great."

Mikka reached for her phone. "We need to get back to Prada about being a brand ambassador."


"And Saturday Night called during lunch - they want you to host a show in late June," Mikka said. "I already told them yes, of course. Think of the press coverage we'll get for it."

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