My gaze darts around the parts of the yard that I can, but that isn't much. There are many dark places that woman could be lurking in. But why would she? I shiver at the thought of her watching me from the shadows.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"Hurry!" Calla yells. "Deja just fainted!"

In a fit of shock, I stumble up to the porch. "Did you see that?"

Calla grabs my elbow and drags me inside. "See what? That woman? Hell yeah! She was such a psycho!"

"No, not her. I mean did you see Brian . . . do that?"

"What're you talking about?"

She didn't see it. Either she didn't come outside in time or I am losing my mind. Probably the latter. I shake my head and join her and the others inside.

Deja is on the couch now with a few people lingering around her. I slip between them. Her breathing is steady and deep, but her skin is pallid and damp. I touch her skin and it's warmer than it should be. Pulling away, I go to the kitchen, dampen two cloths, and bring them back. Calla shoos the others out of my way. I lay one cloth over her forehead and tuck the other behind her neck. She sighs in relief.

"Doctor Emery," teases Calla. She elbows me softly. "Oh, dishie has some secret skills."

I force a smile. How did the woman do this to Deja? She didn't look particularly buff or anything. Her waist was athletically trim and her arms seemed wiry, if not slender. Those lean thighs and ass were the biggest parts of her. As I think about her figure, my jeans start to feel tighter.

Stop it! I scold myself. I'm not into women. And even if I am, I can't be into that woman. She stormed our party and nearly killed my friend.

On the off chance she is even a lesbian, I highly doubt she would want me as a lover. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm so out of shape it's depressing, while she looks like a freaking Subway sponsor.

"Hey." An arm wraps around my waist and pulls me into a soft, plush chest. Calla holds me tight. "It's okay. Are you feeling alright?"

I nod. "Yep. Just lost in my thoughts. You know, I think I should go home. It's been a weird night."

Calla sighs but nods. "Sure. I think some others are leaving too. I'm going to stay the night here and watch over Deja. You're welcome to join me if you want."

As much as I want to be alone to process what happened tonight, I'm also afraid to be by myself. What happened to Brian? Can that woman come after me? My core tightens at the idea. I don't understand why thinking of her makes me jittery. I should be pissing myself. She could easily choke me out like she did Deja.

"I'll stay," I tell Calla.

She places her chin on my shoulder, takes a deep breath, and then kisses my head. "I'm going to see everyone out."

While Calla makes sure everyone gets to their cars, I put away the party food and drinks. I check on Deja frequently but she doesn't stir. Calla comes back into the living room just as I replace the rags on Deja's face and neck.

"They're all gone," she says, flopping down onto the recliner. "Jesus, what a night."

I quietly fix the rags and then take the used ones to the laundry room. When I turn to leave, Calla stands in the doorway. She stares at me with those big dark eyes with an expression that I can't dissect.

"Hey," I say to break up the silence.

"Hey." She smiles and relaxes. "Can I make you a drink?"

"A water would be great. I'll make it with you."

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