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"Holy fuck! She did that to you?"

I turn away from the window at Calla's outburst. Meanwhile, my pulse racks through me like a misguided bullet, ricocheting off every bone and tendon.

Even without looking at the woman, her arresting face remains in the forefront of my mind.

She was terrifying and intense and . . . sexy?

I notice Deja sitting at the kitchen table with an ice pack to her neck and try to snap out of my daydream.

Our friends and coworkers crowd around her with worried expressions.

"She grabbed me by my neck," Deja whimpers. She sounds hoarse, very unlike her usual voice. "She told me that if I didn't let her in . . ."

I can't continue to listen.

My body feels charged with energy and I can't sit still.

Turning away from the group, I go out the back door.

Brian is still standing in the backyard.

His back is to me but he keeps raking his hands through his hair and muttering "fuck" over and over.

"Hey," I say gently. "Are you okay?"

He whips around to face me. His cheeks glisten in the harsh floodlights illuminating the yard.

My gaze rolls over him, but as far as I can tell, he's uninjured.

"I have to leave," he says, "and if you're smart, you will too."

"What? Wait, why are you leaving? Because of her?"

He walks up to me and grabs my shoulders.

I try to lean back, uncomfortable with his firm grip, but he doesn't let up.

His eyes probe mine with a crazed but sad look.

I haven't known Brian for long but I've never seen him behave anything but happy-go-lucky.

"Get out of here," he says. "She isn't going to let you go. Once she sinks her teeth in . . ." He lets go of me and turns back around.

"It's okay. It's going to be alright," I assure him.

"It's not alright. It'll never be alright."

My fingers trembled as I tuck my hair behind my ears. I try to think of ways to calm him. He's raving like a real lunatic here.

"Take a deep breath," I said, hoping my voice sounded soothing. "Okay? Deep breaths. You're going to be fine."

"No!" He rips away from me. "I have twelve hours. Twelve hours!"

Then he turns around, pulls his shirt off, and jumps forward.

A ripping sound makes my stomach lurch.

As Brian leaps, thick fur sprouts along his body and his shape morphs midair.

When his feet touch the ground, I find myself staring at a big blonde dog.

I blink and the oversized Golden Retriever is gone.

Holy shit. Am I hallucinating?

"Hey! Em!"

I turn towards the voice as my mind still feels from what I witnessed.

Calla waves at me from the porch. "What're you doing out here? Are you nuts? That woman could be out here. Get inside!"

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