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I touch up my pink lipstick and adjust my uniform in the bathroom mirror.

I've been at work for a few hours now but I can barely focus. Thinking a quick break would help, I snuck off into the employee bathroom and freshened up my makeup.

Leveling my eyes in the mirror, I practice a smile. The gesture falls pathetically flat. I can't even pretend to feel okay like I usually do.

Since I opened my eyes this mornings, thoughts about Brian and the mysterious crazy lady have occupied my mind. I just can't come to terms with whatever I witnessed last night.

Why did Brian have to leave? Who is that woman that she can just make him go? And what the hell is he?

I know I saw something. I just don't know exactly what it was or how he's connected to it.

"Em," says Calla as she peeks into the bathroom. "You've got a table."

Slipping the tube of lipstick into my apron pocket, I turn towards her with a brief smile.

We haven't talked about the kiss. I still don't know how I feel about it. On the one hand, it felt nice to feel desired and to be kissed. Calla was charming.

I just didn't feel the way I expected to for my first kiss. There's just something missing between us and I don't know what it is.

Our drama evaporates for a moment as I realize what she's said.

"A table?"

"Alex said you were starting with tables today, didn't he?" Her brows furrow.

I can't help but sputter with surprise: "Uh, yeah . . . but I haven't had one all day? I thought I'd still be bussing and doing dishes."

"Nope. Morgan said this table is for you," she says with a smile. "Remember what to do?"

I roll my eyes. "I think I can handle it."

She leans down from the few inches of height she has on me and kisses my cheek. My skin flushes instantly.

She pats my shoulder with a wink. "Go get 'em, Em!"

A deep breath settles some of my nerves as I stride out to the diner. I fetch an order pad from the ordering booth and twirl over to Morgan.

"Which table is mine?" I ask her.

It's pretty busy at the moment, which is probably why I've finally been promoted. I'm not about to let this opportunity pass me by.

"Eleven." Her eyes bounce around nervously. "Be cautious, okay?"

I study her face for a moment. She's not just nervous; she's terrified. I shake off her vibes and head toward my assignment.

The man facing me in the booth is blonde with dark blue eyes and a reddish lumberjack beard. He's traditionally pretty attractive for a thirty-something.

His companion has long, silky dark hair and an athletic stature from the back. Probably his girlfriend.

I need to get a man so I can stop being so confused, I note to myself.

Just as I introduce myself and smile at the man, the hairs on my neck stand. I suddenly realize who I am about to look at. My heart jumps into my throat. Still smiling, I face my second customer.

Everything goes still. I feel the air push into my lungs, but it's an automatic reaction. I'm not in control at all.

She's here. Sitting at my table.

My Female AlphaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant