"You need to leave," he growls lowly.

Reluctantly tearing my gaze away from the petite beauty, I peel my teeth in a menacing sneer. "Funny. I came to tell you the same."

He fills out his shoulders and slams his solo cup on the counter. "You have no right to be here."

"How ironic." I smile sadistically, resisting the wild urge to grab my mate and hide her behind me. I can't believe she's hanging out with a fucking rogue. "Perhaps we should have this discussion outside," I suggest as the room becomes pregnant with tension.

"He's not going anywhere with you," snaps the girl with dark hair. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Someone you don't want to fuck with." I turn my eyes to glare at her, which silences her. I jerk my head back to the rogue. "My business here is with him."

"Who's this bitch, Brian?" she snaps, though she's half-cowering against the counter. "What's she talking about?"

My mate steps forward. She wets her lips nervously. "Why don't we take this outside like she suggested?"

Brian shoves her back into the counter and my wolf instantly pounces. A loud snarl shatters the room as I grab him back his throat.

"Do not touch her!" I bellow. "We will take this outside or I will end you!"

He tenses, pushing me off. I force myself not to punch him in the throat or plant my knee in his stomach. My mate's breathing hitches, her heart racing. I glance at her and suppress a whine. She's so fucking beautiful. The more adorable nose and chin, the pinkest and most delicate lips. Her thick blonde brows knit together. I don't even know her name but I want to ease her troubles. I want to take her away from here, somewhere I can protect her from people like this rogue.

He marches to the back door and storms out.

"Join us," I say softly to her.

"No!" the other girl shouts. "She's not going anywhere with you, psycho!"

A crowd has formed at the threshold of the kitchen, but none of them intervene. Their human fear is palpable. It rubs against my flesh like rubber. I look at my mate carefully. She is stunned into place.

"Very well." I turn away and start after the rogue.

At least my mate will be with her own kind for now. As long as she is nowhere near this rogue.

He's waiting for me in the backyard just beyond the halo of the flood lights. I'm honestly surprised he didn't tuck tail and bolt.

"Who are you?" His voice is low but steady. His heart sounds like a jackhammer in his ribs.

My nose wrinkles at his unpleasant odor. When wolves are rejected from a pack or even leave on their own, they gradually lose the scent of other wolves—the literal smell of community. After an extended period, their personal scent deteriorates into this rotten basket of citrus fruit I smell now.

"I am Alpha Dunn." I fold my hands in front of me. "Are you aware this town is under the protection and jurisdiction of a pack?"


"Well, now you know. You have twelve hours to be gone. If I return to town and you are here, your hide will be my new fireplace rug."

He swallows, eyeing me warily. "I haven't done anything wrong. I've only been around humans."

"Unfortunately, it's partially my job to keep them safe too. You've come too close to pack grounds on multiple occasions. Since you have not approached me to join my pack, your actions are perceived as a threat."

"I don't want to be in your fucking pack. Pack wolves are zombies. Mindless, brainless bodies with knives for teeth."

I snapped at him with a snarl, the itch to shift burrowed under my skin. "Think what you want, but if you're still in this town when I come back, I will happily gut you, stuff you, and hang you over the mantle."

"And if I don't have anywhere to go?" he asks.

"Not my fucking problem. You can join a pack out west but you're not welcome here." I don't want him anywhere near my mate.

"I would rather die than be in a pack."

"Then figure something out. Move to a city then. I don't care as long as you stay away from my town."

His jaw clenches. "It's about her, isn't it? You don't want me near her? We're just friends—"

"Get the fuck out!" I snap. "Your twelve hours start now."

With that, I turn and march around the house. When I glance behind me, my mate's tender face is pressed against the window. She ducks as our eyes meet. I can't help but smile just a little.

You'll be mine very soon, baby girl.

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