Chapter 8 Toyotas and Childhood friends

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Chapter 8

Toyotas and Childhood friends

I step out of the East Wing back exit, scanning the parking lot for an antiquated Toyota among the shiny Mercedes and BMWs.

When, after several scans of the whole parking lot, I still can’t find it, I sigh, about to just go back inside and check again after ten minutes. I grin at the perks of living on the ground floor; no trekking up hundreds of flights of stairs or standing in the crowded elevator.

My appreciative thoughts are interrupted by a scream.

Okay, not so much a scream as a squeal. As I turn my head, expecting to see some bimbo jumping around and squealing, I realize, that I know this certain Bimbo. The bimbo is a teenage girl of Indian descent squealing excitedly while fanning her face jumping up and down like a fangirl, her black ringlets and watermelons jumping along with her. It always makes me jealous, how she despite her slim figure gets to have such big boobs.

I roll my eyes before joining in as well.

 “LeyLeeeyy!”I yell back in a high-pitched voice, having spotted Leyla standing next to her Mom’s Toyota.


In no time, we’ve run to the middle of the car park, hugged and blown air kisses.

All the while, the surrounding people in the car park give us weird looks and stares. Oh well.

After we finally calm down and the squeal fest of “Oh you haven’t changed a bit!” and “Oh, you look more gorgeous than ever!” ends, we walk towards Leyla’s Mom’s blue Toyota and Henry, my favourite chauffeur.

“Hah, that showed them.” Leyla mutters with an evil smirk.

“Showed them what?”

“Just you know, that I can be like them girly white rich folks too.” She says slapping her chest, as though there’s actually a point in showing them that she can act like them.

“Did you have a fight with one recently?” I guess and laugh when she looks my way with a face that says guilty-as-charged.

“Henry!” I grin delighted as we finally approach Henry and the car that’s looking more hideous, the closer I get to it. I shouldn’t have made them bring this car. The car is attracting the attention of the people at the parking place even more, although thankfully, some have already gotten back to their own lives and are driving off to their joyfilled day away from Darlington.

Henry’s face breaks out in a smile, “Miss DeMartino. Your presence is greatly missed at the mansion. Jill gives her greetings.”

“Aw I miss you too! And everyone at home! How much you wouldn’t understand. Especially Jill. The food here is atrocious.” My face deforms in distaste as I mention the horrible food they force upon us here. I change the topic to something preferable and let my face be beautiful once more, “Anyhow, where’re my clothes?” I ask eagerly.

Layla shakes her head in mock-disappointment, “Sometimes, I think you just use me for my generosity.”

I gasp, replying in mock-horror, “No way! You found out! Oh no!”

Finally Henry pulls out a large suitcase almost bigger than me from the trunk, distracting me from my dialogue with Leyla. At the sight of it, I squeal and hug her.

“You are the absolute best. Thank you so much! I told you how I love you didn’t I? Well, it’s increased ten-fold! You don’t know how I survived with the few clothes I brought with me.”

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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