Robert smiled and laughed breathily, nodding his head. “Well alright then, I’ll go wIth you '' Robert Agreed finally, taking the pint of beer that was now in front of him and drinking It. “Great! There Is someone I want you to meet, he plays bass you know” lol said grinning widely. “His name Is Mathieu Hartley!” lol saId, making Robert raise his eyebrow.

“You want me to meet him? Why?”Robert said bluntly, questioning lol’s Intentions. “Because you daft fool- we want you In our band! “ lol said, Downing the rest of his drink before standing up. This was news to Robert, he was utterly gobsmacked by the blunt news lol just spat In his directions.

“What?” Robert said, standing up as well. “Yeah! We need a guitarist and I know you play guitar rob, just come meet the fellow” lol grinned, slapping down some money onto the bar before grabbing Robert and nearly dragging him out of the pub and to his car.

Robert didn't’t know what to think really, so he did the only thing he could think of. He just went with lol’s silly Idea. The ride to the party was short and lively wIth lol talking Robert's ear off the entire time, but Robert Found It quite endearing. Robert liked to listen to people speak, It was better than speaking himself since he believed he wasn’t good with words.

The house was full of people- to the point where people were lingering outside the house openly drinking and dancing. Robert Got out and breathed out slowly, feeling his chest tightening with nerves. Though Robert was determined to do this, he needed something new.

Robert Followed lol Inside and straight to the drinks, standing there with lol drinking to get buzzed before going out to find this Mathieu guy. Robert Followed close behind lol, his head feeling warm and fuzzy. Robert was distracted by a pretty girl for a moment until someone crashed Into him and knocked poor Robert To the ground.

Robert wheezed, the bastard who knocked Into him had fallen right on top of him as well and was now crushing him against the floor. “G-get off!” Robert hissed in an agitated manner, grabbing the guy’s shoulders and nudgIng hIm. The smell of cigarettes and cedarwood filled Robert's nose and he cringed a bit, staring down at the guy who was slowly picking hImself up.

The guy had short black haIr, a handsome face wIth deep brown eyes, and pink lips. The guy groaned a bit and sat back, looking about as buzzed as Robert was, and then suddenly the bastard started to laugh! The audacity!

“Sorry- I tripped over my feet, you alright?” the guy said, smiling at Robert. Robert wanted to curse at this guy but suddenly he found myself silent under his gaze. Robert blinked before shaking his head and sitting up, feelIng woozy.  “M’fine..” Robert Muttered, letting out a breath before looking around only to realize that he had lost lol.

Robert Must have had a sour look on his face because the guy nervously chuckled and stood up, “look a bit lost, you need a drink mate?” the guy said, helping Robert stand. Robert Huffed once he was back on his feet and looked at this guy.

Who was he anyway?

“I'm Simon, sorry again for crashing Into you like that,” the guy named Simon saId, making Robert blInk In surprise. “Oh, no, It's alright I guess,” Robert said quietly, taking a step away from this Simon guy. Robert Took a moment to look at Simon, taking In his appearance before opening his mouth to speak.

“Robert! There you are!” lol’s voIce cut Robert off. Robert Looked over his shoulder at lol and smiled a bit, “yeah sorry- lost you there for a moment.'' Robert replied, turning to face the lol who looked very excited. “Oh, you've met Simon then? Glad to see It- I’d love to chat but I need to steal Robert for a moment” lol said, grabbing Robert And dragging hIm away from SImon who stood there confused.

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