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A few days had passed since then, Robert had been spending a lot more time with simon; he enjoyed the bright spirited presence of Simon, even if they tended to get into trouble. Robert liked the way Simon made him feel, for once he kind of felt secure about himself and who he was when he was around simon. It was something he could get used too.

Currently Robert was at band rehearsal with Lol and Matthew, Robert had thrown out a few song ideas here and there and it was going well. It was more of the punk side of music, though Robert found himself quite captivated by the scene. Simon was there, sitting on the couch adjacent to robot with a beer in his hand and a stupid grin on his face.

Robert smiled and looked down, strumming a few random chords before looking to lol. “How was that?” Robert asked, sounding a little bit out of breath though in reality Robert felt quite energized; almost like he had drank a few cups of coffee on a whim. “That was fucking awesome robert! Great stuff, i actually think we might be able to amount to something!” lol said, standing up from his kit and throwing his arms up.

“Ah- look at the time… sorry lads, i've got to get to my gig with my other band.” matthew suddenly said, setting down his bass guitar, well actually it was simon’s since matthew forgot to bring his own. He said he left it at his mate’s house in preparation for their show at a local pub this evening. 

Robert made a face before shrugging, “alright then, have fun.” Robert said, glancing over to Simon who raised an unimpressed eyebrow. Lol frowned a little as well before shaking his head, “yeah, we can continue another time. I was getting tired anyways” lol grinned, seeming to ignore Matthew's obvious neglect for the easy cure.

Robert shrugged and set down his janky guitar before going over to simon and sitting down next to him, “i've got a bunch of ideas about songs, i think we should make a album” robert said a bit too eagerly, looking like a kid who just saw santa for the first time. “I feel like we all work together well, I think it would be a good idea,” Robert said, watching as Matthew left in a hurry before sitting back.

Robert had been ignored once again, it was getting on his nerves. Lol always seemed to be more interested in what Matthew was doing rather than focusing on their band. “Ignore them, they are idiots.” Simon mused, offering Robert a sip of his beer with a coltish smile. 

“That much is easy to see. I just wish lol would understand that you would be a much better fit for the bass player, though no one ever listens to me.” Robert sulked a bit, taking Simon's beer and taking a quick sip before shaking his head. “I mean honestly, who forgets their own instrument to a band rehearsal.” Robert said sassily, turning to look at Simon before handing back hsi beer.

Simon laughed, he hadn’t seen robert get so passionate before, it was funny. “Yeah? You want me in the band?” Simon said, swirling his beer bottle a bit. “Im flattered really, though i think for now it would be better just to play it by ear since lol seems very intent on matthew.” Simon mused, shrugging a little before looking at lol who entered the room once more.

“I've been thinking lads, I think the easy cure is a bit of a mouthful, maybe we should change it?” lol said, flopping down on the armchair that sat in the corner. Robert hummed, for once agreeing with lol. “Well I like the idea of it, so how about an easy cure why don't we just take the cure instead. It flows nicely.'' Robert said, biting his lip with an unsure expression; he didn't know if lol you'd actually go for it since today was obviously ignored by Robert. 

Lol thought about it for a moment before he grinned and nodded his head, “yes! I like that much better! The cure- yeah!” lol said, taking a long swig from his beer before holding his hand up to robert. “Good idea robert, you always seem to have good ideas like that.” lol praised Robert suddenly, making a crooked smile appear onto Robert's face.

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