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The whole time Robert was with Mary, he was dazed, starry-eyed almost. Robert didn’t even think to try and act like he was focused on mary. Robert allowed Mary to choose where to eat, he wasn’t particularly hungry. 

So that's how he found himself sitting at a diner, staring at the table as Mary talked softly. Robert was so lost in thought that he didn’t even realize that Mary had called his name. “Robert… robert are you even listening to me?” Mary whined, frowning at robert.

Robert blinked and looked up at Mary, eyes widening a fraction before he rubbed his neck shyly. “Ah- sorry mary i… i just was lost in thought for a moment.” Robert said, clearing his throat before lifting his beer to his lips and sipping it.

“Well… what i said was- is the cure going to start performing soon? You three boys look like you have enough music.” Mary said, laying her chin on her palm. Robert felt a lump form in his throat and he shrugged, “i-i don't know… soon maybe? I haven’t thought about that, I was more focused on getting songs done for an album” Robert said, glancing up at mary. 

“Oh- ok, I think lol told me about that,” Mary said, smiling warmly at robert. “Yeah..” robert finished before looking down at his food. It taunted him. Robert sniffed before looking back up to Mary, “I'm happy to be making music though. I don't really care if we get popular, or well known. I'd much rather just enjoy the music I make.'' Robert said, sipping his beer once more.

“That's so like you robert, you never care about reputations” mary said, reaching her hand across the table and taking robert’s hand into her own. Robert tensed, glancing down at their hands for a moment before taking in a slow calming breath.  ‘Act normal robert..’ Robert told himself, forcing out a smile and squeezing Mary's hand before taking his hand away and folding them on his lap. “I can't really say that either. If i had a bad reputation i’d probably wouldn’t be sitting here with you… unless you like those kind of men” 

Mary laughed at Robert's joke and tilted her head, gazing at Robert with tender eyes. “I like you robert. You are unlike any man I've ever met.”  Mary said, a wide smile resting on her face. ‘Don't think that's a good thing’ Robert thought to himself, nodding his head briefly before taking a long drink from his beer.

Robert didn’t know how much more social interaction he could handle.


After Mary had finally finished eating, Robert took her home and then promptly went back to his own place. Robert walked in, looking tired as always. Robert wanted to sleep for a few months, hell maybe a year or two. Robert was that exhausted. 

Robert didn’t bother to announce his return to his family and trudged up the rickety stairs to his secluded room all the way at the end of the hall. Robert locked the door behind him and pressed his back against the door, sighing as he slid down to the ground and kicked his feet out. “I'm so tired..'' Robert mumbled, rubbing his eyes before looking at his messy room.

Robert sighed and stood up, walking over to his record player and putting on some music to fill the silence. Robert figured he might as well pick up a bit, since he was feeling restless. Robert walked around his bedroom, gathering up loose scraps of paper that held scribbled notes and lyrics. Robert set them all in one place before tossing any trash in the bin that sat in the corner of the room. 

Robert then put away any clothes he had before getting lazy and flopping down onto his bed face first. Robert groaned, hugging his pillow to his face before looking out the window. The sun was setting now, and the colorful rays entered his room; lighting it up nicely. It was relaxing. 

Robert curled up slightly, relaxing more since he was finally alone. Robert thought back to Mary, sighing. She was so high energy, it drained him so fast. Robert didn’t mind her though, she seemed pretty willing to let him get between her legs, which was nice. Though Robert was a gent, he wouldn’t go boasting about it, or shag other girls. As far as Robert knew though, she was the only person at the moment that seemed to want him in that manner.

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