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A few days had passed since then. Robert hadn't gotten any calls from Simon, which he supposed was a good thing. Robert needed to set that boundary, despite feeling so down and out of it…

Robert had called Mary, said he was feeling sort of depressed as an excuse not to see her. Robert didn't feel bad for lying to her, he just needed space. He needed time to be alone and think, and that’s exactly what Robert did. He would still attend band practice and such, he would write a few songs here and there in his past time but… Robert still couldn't stop thinking about simon.

Robert flexed his hand, inspecting the now faded bruises on his knuckles from when he punched the street light in a fit of anger. Robert sighed and laid down in his bed; he had his door shut tight and the curtains parted a bit so he could watch the clouds pass by slowly. Robert spent a lot of his free time doing this now, sitting alone in his room like he did before he met simon.

Robert felt a pang of sadness in his chest as he thought about his best friend, who had made himself scarce. Robert understood why, he wasn’t very… nice to simon the last they  spoke. Robert couldn't stop thinking about how sad simon sounded. Robert hated that…

‘I miss him..’ Robert thought, closing his eyes as he ran through his memories of simon.  Robert traced circles on his bed, his mind wandering off, thinking about the last time they touched. The last time they kissed…

Robert found himself missing Simon more and more with each passing day, and despite his confused feelings Robert knew he couldn't just stay away forever. They were best friends, surely if he just tried to talk it out with simon he would understand. Robert knew he was being selfish, but Robert found himself pinning over simon.

Robert closed his eyes, memories of Simon's hands on him, his hot breath on his skin… 

Robert quickly sat up, rubbing his face with a frustrated groan before getting up. “I need a drink..” Robert muttered, deciding that he just needed some fresh air and a good drink to forget those dirty thoughts. 

Robert grabbed the keys to his van and pulled on his shoes. The weather was soon going to start getting warm, it was almost may. Hopefully the cure would be able to release their debut album soon. That would be nice…

Robert pulled open his door and skipped down the steps, not looking particularly excited; moreso in a hurry. Robert needed some form of distraction from everything, so he thought that a drink would help. “Where are you going robert?” Rita called, poking her head out from the kitchen, “dinner is going to be ready soon! You need to eat, i haven't seen you eat in days robert” rita said sternly.

“I’ll eat later- i'm going out” robert said, grabbing the front door. “Robert!'' Rita barked, but Robert had already walked out the door, blatantly ignoring his mother.

“Tch. what has gotten into him lately” rita sighed, shaking her head and disappearing back into the kitchen.


“Another please..” Robert slurred softly, gently pushing his empty mug towards the bartender. Robert had ended up at the same pub he met lol at, he hadn’t been there in a while; and he knew there would be a small chance of running into anyone he knew there. 

“Gosh rob… having a rough day?” the bartender said, dutifully filling robert’s glass once more before setting it down in front of robert. 

“You could say that '' Robert mumbled, lifting the mug to his slips and taking a long drink before wiping his mouth. The bartered eyed robert, leaning casually against the wooden bar before laying his chin in his palm. “Want to talk about it?” he said, his muddy brown eyes traveling down Robert's body; though Robert was too drunk to notice that.

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