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In the morning, when Robert opened his eyes, the only thing that Robert could feel was a pounding headache and gut wrenching nausea. Robert didn’t know where he was, and was struggling to remember what happened last night. Robert laid his arm over his face and groaned, stretching out his legs before sighing and finally sitting up. 

Robert winced, the bright light from the sun was stinging his eyes and making his hangover so much worse. “Where am i..” Robert mumbled, looking down at himself only to realize that he wasn’t even wearing his own clothes. That confused Robert even more.

“Ah- good morning” a voice startled Robert, nearly making his heart stop. Robert looked over to the door and saw Simon, and was mildly proud that he remembered the guy’s name. “Good morning..?” Robert said slowly, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

Simon laughed and walked over, setting a glass of water and a few aspirins down on the nightstand next to the bed. “You look like a zombie” Simon said, bringing his hand up to scratch his face. Robert looked to the aspirin before offering a thankful smile. “Yeah, i feel like a zombie.” Robert said, reaching out a hand and taking the pills into his palm.

Robert downed the pills with some water before looking back to simon. “How is lol?” Robert asked, only now remembering that lol had gotten black out drunk last night. Simon bit his lip before shrugging, “well, he is definitely feeling the effects of last night. Poor bloke is face first into my toilet.” Simon said, his lips twitching into a smile.

Robert snorted before shaking his head, not bothering to hide the smile on his face. “Yeah i thought so.” Robert said before standing up. Robert rubbed his eyes before looking up at simon. “Erm… do you mind if i use the bathroom?” Robert asked, suddenly feeling coy and embarrassed.

Simon smiled and nodded his head, “sure, but since lol is still using the other bathroom you can use my bathroom instead.” Simon said, motioning to the door across the room. “That's a bathroom? I thought it was your closet.’ Robert said a bit stupidly.

“Hah, no. my closet is in my bathroom.” Simon said, walking over to the bathroom door and pushing it open. Robert followed and peeked inside, and sure enough there was a closet door adjacent to the bathroom door. “Huh.” Robert said before looking at simon. “Yeah, it's a bit weird, but i've gotten used to it.'' Simon shrugged before stepping back.

“Are you hungry?” Simon asked, suddenly reminding Robert just how hungry and parched he actually was. Robert shrugged a bit, "erm… I could eat." Robert said, offering a small smile before heaving himself off of Simon's bed.

Robert followed Simon out of the room and to the living room, completely forgetting that he had to use the bathroom in favor of food. Robert looked to the couch where lol sat once more, looking queasy and half dead from hurling into Simon's toilet all morning.

Robert held back a laugh and decided to leave lol alone. For now of course. "I don't think lol is going to want to do anything today. He really looks like a zombie"  Robert said quietly so he wouldn't agitate lol.

"I told you" Simon laughed, walking over to the fridge. "Huh… I need to go to the market soon. All I have to make is eggs, or stale cereal." Simon said bluntly, looking embarrassed.

Robert snickered and shook his hand, "eggs, eggs…. I don't think lol could stomach stale cereal at the moment." Robert teased, walking up to Simon and peeking over his shoulder.

Simon's fridge was really bare, Robert almost felt bad. "Let me help." Robert said, looking at Simon who raised an eyebrow. "Uh- I mean let me help with the eggs.." Robert clarified, realizing that he really should work on being more clear. 

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