1- The Beginning

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"Dad! Dad! Look!" The little boy smiled, "what is it ya little dumpling?" His dad asked, "I wanna be just like you when I grow up! Your not scared of anything at all, and I wanna be a mechanic too!" He cheered, his hands in the air.

Kazuichis Pov

"..." Kazuichi looked down at his hands and started crying.

"Damn... I-I" He looked around his room and grabbed his pillow.

"Why the hell did I say that shit to dad!" He mumured, whiping his tears off his face.

"*sob* why..."

*knock knock*

"H-Huh?" He looked up from his bed and stared at the figure in the door way.

"Dad..." He mumured.


"I-Im sorry! I didn't mean to cuss you out!" He apologized, tears streaming down his cheek, "it's fine kiddo, I know you were in the heat at the moment..." Tatsuo said with a small smile.

"... I know it's been difficult since me and your mom divorced, and because school starts tomorrow, but just know, your mom wasn't as...supportive, I know you loved her but she was a very judgy lady..."

"..." Souda just nodded his head and ran up to his dad, hugging him.

"I'm a dumbass, aren't i?"

"Yes you are" His dad laughed.

--Later that night--

Kazuichi layed on his bed and let out a huge sigh.

"Jeez, it's twelve thirty and school starts today, go to sleep you dumbass!" Kazuichi whispered to himself.


"... Wait... Isn't today the first year of high school?"

He hopped out his bed and grabbed a jumpsuit he was going to wear for that day.

"Okay...." He mumured as he grabbed a beanie and threw it on the dresser.

"... Dang- I still can't go to sleep..."

The entire time, Kazuichi stayed up on his phone scrolling through the social media.

Gundhams Pov

"What is it my Four Dark Devas of Destruction?" He asked.

"... Oh, your hungry Cham-P? That's quite odd..."He mumured, "Cham-P, you know how it is when night time is summoned, when its summoned, your not allowed to eat, it makes you contain too much energy"

"..." Cham-P just glared at him.

"Fine... If that is what you requested for then I assume I shall fulfill it..." He sighed, getting off of his bed to get his Sunflower Seeds.

"If you tell the other dark Devas, I will not fret t-"

"Gundham, why are you still up?" A woman asked as she knocked on the door.

"See Cham-P! You woke up the angel from her slumber" He groaned.

The hamster just snickered and crawled back inside the cage with the bag in hands.

"Gundham, honey, you need to sleep..."

"Yes Mother, I am aware of that, I apologize that someone woke you up" He said as he turned to the fat hamster who was currently stuck inside the chip bag.

"It's fine... Just go to sleep please, school starts in six hours..." Akumi yawned "Night Gundy, don't go to sleep too late"


"Mn... I am still shocked that you, out of all the other Devas woke me up... Are you doing well Invading Black Dragon? Are you sick?" Gundham asked as he got off the bed, opening the cage to let his subordinates out.

"Chuu chuu"

"..." Tanaka just sighed and picked Cham-P up placing them on his dresser, "I will get cleansed, signal me if the angel is leaving, he said to the orange round hamster.

"Chuu Chuu"

Kazuichis Pov

Souda finally woke up.

"Ugh... I slept like hell" He grunted, rubbing his head.

"Squirt, scho-" Tatsuo stopped talking as soon as he saw that Kazuichi was already awake.

"Oh... Your awake already, my bad kiddo" He chuckled nervously.

"It's fine, just get out" He mumured.

Tatsuo nodded his head and closed the door.

"Fucking idiot" He groaned, "he's not even perfect to be a dad, he basically forced me to live with him!" He grunted, "I wanted to live with mom, but noo! He said she's a bad lady Gosh!" He shouted as he punched a pillow.

"Just cause she isn't supportive in him doesn't mean she's a bad person!"

He got out his bed and looked in the mirror, "damn eye bags..." He muttered.

"My hairs a mess too-... Damn... I look like a mess" He sighed, digging through his drawer to look for his eyeliner and contacts.

"Aandd... Done" He smirked, "you look amazing!" He said to himself as he pulled a thumbs up in the mirror.

"Kazuichi, your gonna have to walk to school for right now, u have to go to work" His dad shouted as he exited the house.

"I don't even care" He grumbled, tying his shoe laces.

"Jeez, Tatsuo is so annoying!" He shouted, "I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM!"

He snatched his backpack and grabbed his beanie, putting it on his head to get ready for the day.

--Outside the school building--

Kazuichi kicked rocks as he made his way to school.

"What a bummer, I hate walking... The more you walk, the more calories you burn...arent I light enough!" He grunted, still holding onto his backpack straps.

"...Why is he even my dad...? He tries too hard!" He growled.

Gundhams Pov

Gundham was sitting inside a classroom, looking around, being overly cautious.

"Hi! I'm Sonia Nevermind!" A girl with blonde hair smiled as she stuck her hand out.

"..." He looked up at her and nodded, "Gundham Tanaka, the Supreme Overlord Of Ice" He said.

"Ooh! I just met an Overlord! Is that dangerous!" She giggled, "yes, though, do not fret, I will not harm you, I and my beasts will only harm high level demons" He smirked, "oh, I see..." She looked down at her wrists and frowned, "your not my soul mate..."

"Hm? Oh... I forgot such a thing like that exists" He mumured, lowerung his head.

"... Do you want to be friends Gundham" She smiled, handing her hand out in front of her, "... I suppose such human interaction isn't all that bad..."

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