Love Letters

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The first profession of love I ever made was to someone who never spoke a kind word to me.
I was young, I feel the need to state that to lessen the judgement unduly forming.
When it's contents became public, my delicate writings were greeted by projectiles of skin cutting words that climbed through my mind playing an unwanted chorus of chilling laughter.
I bore it with the zeal of a romantic in a cheesy sitcom.

The first time I wrote to myself,
The page a loose leaved apology of a diary was tinted with tears,
With it, there were no stones to be thrown just a gentle whispering "I've waited so long."


Not really confident about this piece, I'll really appreciate it if you let me know what you think about it and how you feel it can be improved upon.
P.s might take it down but it stays up for now.

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