Chapter fourteen

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Izuku point of veiw ~ Three months has gone by and a lot has changed. Kami and I know the gender of the babies. Kiri, Kat and Sho wanted to find out during our baby shower. Kami and I are now six months pregnant. But we aren't going to say just yet.

We have also felt the babies kick it was the most amazing thing ever. I'm still amazed that I have little people growing inside of me. But anyways we have also told our families and friends that we are pregnant and engaged.

They were mad that we didn't tell them sooner. But they are extremely happy that there will be a wedding and babies. We decided to get married when the babies are six months. So after they are born. The girls are helping plan the wedding.

Speaking of the girls three of them came out as pansexual while two fo them came out as lesbians. But they still haven't told the world about their relationships. Which is the same reason as my mates and I. Today my mates and I are doing a concert with the girls. We invited all of our friends and families and they all came.

We have the whole concert broadcasting on all the music channels, gossip channels, Instagram, YouTube and anything you can think of. This is our biggest concert yet. The reason for this is we are going to make an announcement to the world basically.

I guess you already know what it is we are telling them about our relationships. We are not worried about our fans reactions we are worried about Nedzu's he is our boss after all and I'm not trying to get fired but we need everyone to know. I'm sick and tired of hiding my relationship with the ones I love.

I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me I looked up and was met with red eyes and shark like smile "what are you thinking about baby" Kiri asked "everything that has happened these last few months. And things are just going to keep changing especially after today. But I'm happy the world gets to know you guys are mine and I'm yours" I said with a smile causing him to smile brighter and pull me into a kiss "love you baby" Kiri said "love you to Kiri" I said and we smiled at each other

"And what about us" Kacchan said from the door making me and Kiri turn towards the door to see Kami pouting. Sho and Kacchan had their arms crossed also "you know we love you guys so come here and give us a hug" Kiri said making them smiled and hugged us.

"There kicking again" Kami and I said excitedly our mates we just as excited they started to feel our stomachs and they had big smiles on their faces. There was a knock on the door "come in" Kami said and the door opened revealing the girls

"Babies kicking again" Ura asked "yeah you wanna feel" I asked and the girls nodded rubbing Kami and I stomach "I can't wait to have one" Mina said excitedly she was only two weeks pregnant along with ura. The girls were really excited.

Quick A/N females can get pregnant by other females only if they are their mates. In this story you can only get pregnant by your mates. Okay back to the story.

"You guys ready for this" Momo asked "ready as we will ever be" Sho said "well what are we waiting for" Mina said as we all stood up and headed on to the stage. Everyone cheered for us.

"Okay we would like to thank you for coming to Dark Roses and Crystal Dragons joint concert" Mina said and the crowed cheered "so we have a few announcements to make and we need you up most attention" Kiri said as ever went silent the screen behind us started to play videos of our families

(These two videos are playing when they are speaking)

"So as you all know we've all come out at gay, lesbian, pansexual, lesbians etc. But what you don't know is that we've all found our mates" I said and the crowed gasped "yeah that's right we have mates. We always have had our mate marks since the day we were born. But the reason why we couldn't tell you guys was because we all had more then one. Management didn't want anyone finding out about it so they made us say we don't have mates" Momo said

"You might be wondering who our mates are well it's our band mates" Sho said "yup I am mated to Momo, Tsui, Mina and Jiro" Ura said "not only that we are expecting children with each other. Mina and Uraraka are two weeks pregnant" Jiro said "and we couldn't be happier. I'm happy to have these girls in my life. We found out that we were mates when we were filming My Hero Academia. We were having a sleepover with all of the other girls and we found out that we were mates. We have been secretly dating since that day" Tusi said "I'm in love with these girls and they love me also" Momo said

"Kaminari, Midorya, Bakugo, Kirishima and I found out that we were mates the day we wrote our first song together" Sho said "ever since then we have been dating so basically a year and six months now" Kami said happily "not only that we are engaged" Kacchan said "Izu and Kami are carrying our children they are each six months pregnant" Kiri said

"we really couldn't be happier. I'm in love with my mates and they are in love with me. We really are sorry we kept this from you. This is why we are telling you this now. Your our fans and you mean a lot to us. Even though we could've kept it a secret for as long as we wanted. It really didn't feel right since you have been there for us since day one when we did our first show together with our parents. And we really appreciate you guys. And we hope you can for give us for hiding this from you" I said

Then the entire stadium erupted in cheers and clapping. They were chanting so many ship names. And saying that they are proud of us. We really do have the best fans. I thought to my friends.

"Thank you so much for standing with us" Momo said "we hope you have a nice night and get home safe" Uraraka said "we are dark roses" my mates and I said "and we are crystal dragons" the girls said "wishing you a nice night" all of us said then walked back stage

"Omg that was scary" Kami said letting out a breath of relief we all did the same thing. Then there was clapping making us turn to see Nedzu. We are so in trouble "congratulations children. I was waiting to see when you would grow a spine and tell the public about your relationship" he said

"Wait you knew" We all asked "of course since the day you all started dating. Nothing gets passed me" Nedzu said with a smirk "of course your Nedzu after all" Kacchan said "we'll be sure to invite me to your weddings and baby showers. Have a nice night everyone" Nedzu said walking away

After that we all went home. As soon as the guys and I headed home we showered and laid on our bed. We ended up moving to a bigger house. It has ten bedrooms. One that's a nursery and our room. Then we have eight bedrooms for the kids when they are older and guest when they come over. We have a studio/music room. Game room. Living room. Dining room. Kitchen. Movie room. Library. An outdoor pool, garden and a big backyard.

Our room has got to be my favorite part of the house there is a living room in it also. With a big walk-in closet that is the size of six walk-in closets combined. The bathroom is really big. Not only does it have a big bath tub. It also has a shower. And a big hot tub. Along with five separate sinks. This house is absolutely amazing.

I really can't wait to start my life with my mates and babies. We have been though a lot growing up I believe that we can get through anything. As long as we have our families, friends and each other everything will be alright.

End of chapter I do not own my hero academia or the pictures or the videos that I have on here

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