"Welcome welcome everyone! Tonight, my brother and I have prepared the most perilous game!" Connor called out in an overly dramatic voice.

"Yes! We have chosen a game that will strip you of your dignity! By the end, there shall be no secrets!" Travis continued in the same voice. Hazel was looking nervous and Frank was holding her hand in reassurance.

"You mean we're playing spin the bottle?" Leo asked.

"Well yeah, but calling it that takes all the fin out of it!" Travis whined. Rory rolled her eyes. She knew that the Aphrodite kids would play it and would end with alot of drama. Frank seemed to hold Hazel's hand a little tighter, clearly having played the game before.

"Mr Valdez, if you would be so kind as to open the door before we all freeze to death," Connor practically begged. Leo did a big show of hiding the code and opening the door to bunker 9.

Rory noticed that Leo's invention had been moved out of sight. The Stolls placed down two mats and an empty bottle on each. The Stolls instructed that everyone sit in a circle around one of them while the other remained off to the side. The mat, Rory noticed, was completely blank. The others had noticed too and all had similar looks of confusion on their faces.

"One person, of our choosing, will spin the bottle. Say it were to land on...Hazel, for example. Then, the person who spun the bottle would move to the other mat where the bottle would be spun again. There are five options for the bottle to land on. One - remove an item of clothing. Two - kiss. Three - tell a secret. Four - a dare. And five - take a drink." The Stolls took out a large bottle of what seemed to be cheap, watered down whisky.

After a small debate on whether the whisky should be allowed everyone agreed to only take small sips. The Stolls brandished a piece of paper and read the name out loud.

"Piper McLean."

Piper reached into the circle and and spun the bottle. After a moment or two it landed on Calypso. Then she stood up and moved to the other mat.

"Four!" she called. "Ummm....do a handstand!" Everyone laughed except Calypso who was wearing a skirt. Despite it, she stood up and did the handstand against the wall. Luckily for her, she had chosen to where shorts underneath. Everyone clapped as she sat down ready to spin the bottle. It landed on Jason. The second bottle landed on one. Jason sighed and removed his shirt. Rory saw Percy flush red while Piper turned her head to the floor.

After two minutes Travis was in his boxers (no more clothes were allowed to be removed) and had kissed Hazel, Frank had kissed Percy and Leo, Annabeth had recited several odd facts about the solar system and had a drink, Thalia and Reyna had kissed each other, and Rory taken off her jumper and taken two drinks.

Rory spun the bottle and it landed on Annabeth. Slowly she stood up to spin the second bottle. She flushed bright red when it landed on one. She turned around and told the group the number. Annabeth's cheeks turned a light pink as she removed her top, revealing a fair amount of scars. Rory couldn't help but stare slightly and her toned muscles, and was snapped out of her thoughts when Reyna poked her gently in the thigh. Embarrassed, she looked down to the floor and studied the cracks in the floor.

*   *   *

Annabeth felt the heat rise in her cheeks as she took off her shirt. She felt vulnerable, showing her scars, but she knew that every demigod had them and pushed through. She wasn't handling the whisky well and her head felt light. Rory seemed to be fine after having two, which puzzled Annabeth. She blamed her confusion on the alcohol and focused on trying to stay upright. Across from her she could see Rory looking at the floor and picking at the laces on her shoes.

"My turn." She went onto her knees and spun the bottle. With just her luck, it landed on Rory. Rory's eyes went wide and she tucked her head so far down that her chin touched her chest. Wobbling, Annabeth stood up and walked over to the second mat. She crouched and spun the bottle, landing on two. She could only imagine what her face looked like as she walked back and said the number out loud. Rory's cheeks flushed red (Annabeth made a mental note that she had been doing it a lot).

The weirdest part was, Annabeth almost felt excited. She could feel butterflies in her stomach and her hands felt a little shakey.

Slowly, she leant across the circle as Rory did the same and their lips met in the middle. Rory's lips were softer than Annabeth expected, and for a moment she did want to pull away, but Rory stopped after a second and sat back down. The Stolls clapped and wolf whistled while the others rolled their eyes.

Rory hated herself for enjoying the kiss. It's just the whiskey, she told herself.

*   *   *

By the end of the night Rory was sitting in her shorts and bra as were many of the others. Her and Annaneth kissed twice more, and each time they lingered for a fraction of a second. Annabeth was swaying slightly in her seat after having her third sip if whiskey. Rory was on her fourth and still felt fine, especially in comparison to Annabeth.

At around nine o'clock everyone was getting tired and started heading back to their respective cabins, couples walking hand-in-hand. Annabeth was struggling to stand upright and the door seemed out of focus. She wasn't aware of sitting back down until Rory was towering above her smirking.

"Someone struggling with their whisky?" Rory snickered. Annabeth attempted a threatening glare, but she guessed she must've looked like a grumpy two year old from the way Rory was looking at her.

"I'm gonna beat your ass when the room stops spinning." Annabeth's words came out slurred and nearly inaudible. Rory chuckled and stretched her hand down.

"Come on, I'll help you get back to the Athena cabin." Annabeth grabbed her hand gratefully and pulled herself up. She ended up regretting it shortly after when she nearly threw up from the sudden movement. She leant heavily on Rory's arm for support, trying with all her might not to fall over.

Rory couldn't help but laugh at drunk Annabeth. Every few steps she would stumble and curse in Greek.

"Hey, why don't you just carry me," Annabeth suggested for the third time in their short walk.

"Well, that would be a great idea, smart-ass, if I had the strength to carry you all the way back," Rory explained, also for the third time. When she stumbled again, this time nearly falling over completly, Rory finally obliged and scooped Annabeth up into her arms like a baby. Annabeth giggled and smiled.

By the time the Athena cabin was in sight a thin layer of sweat was coating Rory's entire body, and her arms were and legs were shaking with the effort. Annabeth suddenly threw herself onto the floor.

"No! I can't go in there! They'll get suspicious and they'll tell Chiron!" she whisper yelled. Rory sighed but could see the panic in her friend's eyes.

"Where should I take you then?" Rory asked, sitting on the grass beside her. Annabeth looked deep in thought.

"Cabin nine?" she asked hopefully. Rory sighed and stood up. She leant down and Annabeth gripped her neck and Rory walked them both to the cabin.

Once inside, Rory lead Annabeth down on her bunk.

"You're a really good friend," she mumbled. Rory smiled and started getting into bed too. What she didn't expect was for Annaneth to grab her face, kiss her, and pass out. Rory didn't know how to react, and guessed Annabeth would forget by morning, so she layed down next to her, smiling like an idiot.

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