Chapter 66: Open Secrets

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Idris came to meet her with the there, weeping.  He brought out the first aid box and applied methylated spirit and healing ornament.

"I'm alright Idris. Just leave me alone." She moved away from him, not wanting him to get affected.

"You've been saying this since we've met but you never know that I can't leave you, Zainab. You're part of me." He gently wrapped a bandage over her hand and she weep silently in pain but she tried to hide her tears away from him.

"It's okay, Zainab. HIV isn't a death sentence. You need treatment for that as well. Go to your room and relax for a while, I'll go to the market myself."

He collected the list and money while Zainab went back into her room.


Zainab's P.O.V

'Depression... it just eats you up from the inside out. It’s like a monster inside your head that takes over. The worst thing is to know that the people I call my family even mock me of this predicament. I didn't know I'm infected, why didn't he tell me? I feel so lonely. Humaira came here and he said nothing.
Anything that was said to me, I never listened because I know it's false but now... I believe. It's seems the curse was real after all. Right now, I hate myself so much... I'm literally my own worst enemy.'
Humaira cried for long. She wept alone till she couldn't cry anymore. Idris came back from the market and prepared dinner that day. Although it was his first time cooking, it didn't seem so difficult as he used to imagine. Ibrahim and Isah went to play football in the next street so they weren't at home.

Amina didn't bother disturbing Zainab. She's infected for all she care and she shouldn't cook or serve her food until her wound dries up.

It's was Saturday so Mr. Abdullahi attended the school PTA meeting. He came back very late that day, tired and hungry. Idris served dinner. Everybody joined the dinning table except Zainab. This happens normally but Zainab use to do the cooking and serving.

"Where's she?"


"Zainab if course." He looked around. "Did you send her on an errand?"

"Yes, that was earlier today. And she almost misplaced #10, 000 because of her carelessness."

"So where's she now?"

"In her room of course."

"What happened to her?"

"Nothing much darling, you don't have to worry. She cut herself in the kitchen."

"Did you tell her?" His eyes frightened a bit "Did she know?"

"Yes, she knows." She wore a frown concerntrating on the food. "I thought you told her. I think I went out of line a bit, sorry."

Mr. Abdullahi just took one gulp of the tuwo. He lost his appetite immediately and couldn't eat anymore.

"What's it darling? Any problem?" Amina asked wondering why he still feel so concerned for her.
"She's just like a parasite after all. There's no benefit anyone would ever get from her, except she takes all the good in everyone she meets. Whatever!" Amina hissed and continued eating.

Ibrahim and Isah gave themselves awkward looks as their dad stood up and walked towards Zainab's room.

Idris just kept quite. Saying a word or siding anyone wont help issues. Both his mum and dad are birds of the same feathers anyway. He doesn't care whatever happens... As long as they don't end up killing his sister.


That Same Time,

In Zaria.

'I just can't satisfy her, We're only friends but I think she needs to understand me more.' Humaira thought again. For some reasons, she blamed herself but somethings are just meant to be. As it is, it's exam period. Humaira took her jotting book and flipped through it's pages.
'Whatever. I'll beg her whenever she comes back. She did a lot for me, I couldn't even help her.'

Studying alone was kind of boring, but she had to study. A part of her thought about Zainab again. She smiled and remembered her promise to her little sister.... To study and get a better job.

Just then, Firdausi came in.

"Assalam'Alaikum." She greeted.

"Wa'alaikun Sallam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh," Humaira replied her.

She was going through some notes when Firdausi entered, so, she just concentrated in reading.

Firdausi's mind was parabulating on how to approach her first, to apologize.

"Emm..." They chorused.

"You go on." Humaira started. "Say what you want to."

"Okay... Even though I was angry with you for lying to me, I shouldn't have shouted like that... About what happened in the morning, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Firdausi begged. She wanted to kneel down but Humaira held her up.

"No, it's nothing. I'm not offended at all. I'm the one at fault here but I want you to know that. What I did, I did for you. I only followed the doctor's advises and I didn't want anything to affect your health in any negative way."

"So we're in good terms with each other?" Firdausi clinged excitedly.

"Yes, sure."

They hugged each other once again.

"Okay, good. But I'm so hungry... I can't believe I haven't eaten since morning..." Firdausi whined like a baby crying for icecream.

"Where have you been silly?" Humaira joked while Firdausi sneered shyly to herself.

"Whatever... Why did you leave home when you're angry. You should have faced me and we might have settled this since morning." Humaira hissed.

"So you didn't cook?"

"What am I to you? Your slave?"

"Habaa now, I know you're heavily pregnant but you should have prepared something for me at least."

Humaira couldn't help but yo burst into laughter.

"You're so funny bestie. There's tuwo and Mian kukka in the kitchen. Go and serve yourself o! I need to read."

"You and studies. I just imagine how you manage. Hope he didn't disturb you again today?"

"No, my baby boy is as gentle as I am." Humaira mimicked Firdausi's whining tune.
"Please, help me bring small Tuwo too. I'll eat after studying!"

"Okay, fine!"

Firdausi went to the kitchen. She placed the food in two different plates and put the Mian kukka soup beside it. Her mind clicked on something like a bell, she remembered her plan and went to take the small bottle from the shelf she she hide it.

'I stupidly drank the tea I poisoned for her last time, that mistake won't repeat itself today. All because of her, I'll have to repeat another year. Well,  that girl would die tonight. I'll make sure if it.' She uttered as she mixed it into Humaira soup.


Words and Translations

-Sannu: Sorry

-Tuwo: A solid food name from Rice🍚
Tuwon Cinkafa( mixed solid rice)

-Mian Kukka: A type of soup eaten in northern Nigeria.


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