Lunch break

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It was exam season and Maya was starting to get frustrated with not hearing a word from Josh. Since they'd made their promise at the ski lodge, they'd been inseperable. Or at least until now.

Maya understood that Josh was very focused on his schoolwork, but it didn't make it any easier. She missed their late night phone calls and their impromptu hang outs.

It was a Saturday morning and Maya decided to go surprise him. He needed to take a break some time, was her reasoning. His next exam was next Friday so a one hour break wouldn't be too bad.

And so an hour and a half later, she was knocking on his front door. She was about to knock again, when the door opened revealing Josh with one of his text books in hand.

"Maya," he said surprised as he looked up.

The blonde smirked. "Good morning to you too, Boing."

He smiled. "Good morning, Gorgeous." He closed his book and put in on the table next to the door and showing her inside.

Maya shook her head. "Go put a warm jacket on, we're going out."

Josh sighed. "I'd love to, Maya. I really do, but I have to study."

Having expected that answer, the young artist rolled her eyes. "You can take a lunch break. Some fresh air will do you good. I promise I'll get you back within the hour."

Josh thought about it for a second. "I guess one hour won't be too bad." He smiled at her and grabbed his jacket and beanie.

By the time they exitted his appartment building they were walking hand in hand.

"So..." Josh interrupted the comfortable silence. "Where are you taking me?"

"The park," Maya shrugged. "I thought we could have a pick nick? I went by Topanga's for coffee too."

Josh stopped her in her tracks. He placed a gentle peck on her lips. "You're amazing. You know that?"

"How amazing?" She teased him.

He chuckled. "Someday, Gorgeous."

She sighed dramatically. "Someday's too far away," she said.

He smiled giving her another peck. "How about this. It's your birthday in a month and a half. You'll be sixteen then. If you want to, I'll take you on a date."

"Really?" Maya asked.

Josh nodded. "I like you, Maya. A lot and I don't want to wait another two years either. We'll take things slow, just going on dates for now, but I love spending time with you."

Maya grinned. "I love that idea. Let's go have that pick nick now."

The two of them really enjoyed their lunch break.

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