Past, present & future

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Maya glanced nervously at the clock, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for her best friend, Riley, to meet her at their usual spot in the café. Today was supposed to be a carefree afternoon of catching up and sipping on hot chocolate, but Maya's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of her ex-boyfriend, Tristan, who had unexpectedly shown up in town after years of being apart.

Finally, Riley arrived, sliding into the booth opposite Maya with a bright smile. "Hey, Maya! Sorry I'm late. What's got you so tense?"

Maya let out a sigh, running a hand through her hair. "Tristan. He's back in town."

Riley's eyes widened in surprise. "Tristan? Your ex? What's he doing here?"

"I have no idea," Maya admitted, swirling her straw in her drink. "But he's been trying to get in touch with me."

Before Riley could respond, the café door swung open, and Maya's heart skipped a beat as she saw Tristan walking towards their table. She tensed, bracing herself for the confrontation she knew was coming.

But before Tristan could reach them, another familiar figure caught Maya's eye. Josh Matthews, Riley's older brother, walked into the café, scanning the room until his eyes landed on Riley. He made his way over to their table, a curious expression on his face.

"Hey, Riley. Who's that?" Josh asked, nodding towards Tristan.

Riley glanced up, her smile faltering slightly as she saw Tristan approaching. "Oh, that's Maya's ex-boyfriend. He's back in town."

Josh's protective instincts kicked in immediately, and he shot Maya a concerned look before sliding into the booth next to her. "Are you okay?"

Maya nodded, grateful for Josh's presence. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Josh."

Tristan stopped in front of their table, his gaze fixed on Maya. "Hey, Maya. Can we talk?"

Maya hesitated, glancing at Riley for support. Riley nodded encouragingly, giving Maya a reassuring smile.

"Fine," Maya said reluctantly, gesturing for Tristan to take a seat.

Tristan sat down, his expression earnest. "Maya, I know I messed up when we were together. I was immature and selfish, and I hurt you. I'm truly sorry for that."

Maya's guard began to soften slightly, but she remained cautious. "Why are you here, Tristan?"

As Maya and Tristan talked, Tristan's tone grew increasingly aggressive, pushing Maya to forgive him and give their relationship another chance. Maya felt herself growing more uncomfortable by the minute, her anger and frustration rising.

Josh, sensing Maya's distress, intervened before things could escalate further. "Hey, Tristan, I think Maya needs some space right now. Maybe it's best if you give her some time to think things over."

Tristan clenched his fists at Josh's interference, but before he could respond, Maya spoke up. "Josh, I can handle this. I don't need you to fight my battles for me."

Josh met Maya's gaze, his expression softening. "I know you can, Maya. But sometimes, even the strongest people need a little help. I just want what's best for you."

Maya's anger began to fade as she realized the truth in Josh's words. He wasn't trying to undermine her independence; he was acting out of love and concern for her well-being.

After Tristan left, Maya turned to Josh, a mixture of gratitude and remorse in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Josh. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that."

Josh smiled, reaching out to squeeze Maya's hand gently. "It's okay, Maya. I understand. Just remember, I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

As they talked and caught up, Maya couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude towards Josh for his unwavering protection, nor the sense of anticipation building within her for what the future might hold.

Little did Maya know, this unexpected encounter with her past would ultimately lead her to a new beginning with someone else, someone she'd had feelings for for a long time.

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