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"I don't need your help," Maya argued as she sat with her friends at the café. "I might not be a genius like you Farkle, or be as smart as you, Riley, but I'm perfectly capable of doing the homework myself."

The next time the young blonde pronounced that sentence, it was to her step-father. Maya had dropped a pencil while cleaning up her art supplies when Shawn tried to pick it up. "Wow, Maya, calm down. I was just trying to be nice." 

Maya sighed. "Thank you, but I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself. 

The third time it happened was when Topanga stood up to help Maya clear the table after family dinner at the Matthews. Upon hearing it, Josh frowned and looked at his niece with questioning eyes. The brunette shrugged. "She's been saying that a lot," was all she said. As if it was all the answer he needed. 

It was a few days later when Josh walked into the Matthews home to see the young artist struggling with her math. He sat beside her on the bench and watched her for a second, before commenting. "You know, I'm quite good at math." 

Maya looked up at him, narrowing his eyes than answered. "Good for you." 

To say it wasn't the answer Josh was expecting was an understatement. The boy sighed and turned to face his companion. "You know, it's okay to ask for help sometimes." 

A sad look crossed Maya's face before she packed up her books and stood up. "I don't need your help," was all she said as she left the apartment. 

After that Josh didn't see Maya for a few months. He felt like she was avoiding him. Every time he'd go to his brothers, she wouldn't be there, same with the café. Finally, he had enough. On a sunny Saturday morning, Josh walked over to Maya's home and knocked on the door. It was Shawn who'd let him in. "Maya, can we talk?" he almost begged her. 

"No, Josh, you wouldn't understand."  

Josh shook his head, not accepting that answer. "Then make me understand." 

"I don't want any help," she told him firmly. 

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Fine, give me a valid reason and I'll drop it." 

She thought about it for a minute, before telling him. "I don't want to depend on anyone." 

"Why?" he pushed on. 

She sighed, not looking at him. "Because people leave and when they do, I need to be able to handle things myself." He looked at her sadly, now understanding her problem. "And I don't need your pity either," she commented angrily. 

He put his hand on her shoulder in comfort. "I'm not pitying you. You're the strongest person I know." A proud look crossed her face for a second. "But you can't do everything by yourself either."

"Why not?" She argued. 

Josh smiled. "Because," he said. "It's okay to ask for help every once in a while. It doesn't make you weak or dependable, it makes you human. Even being dependable can be okay. I know you're scared-"

"I'm not scared," she said offended. 

He didn't even acknowledge her interruption. "Not everyone is going to leave you," he said. "I can't promise you that no one will because it's natural for people to come into and out of your life. But the important people will always be there: Riley, Shawn, your mom, Farkle, Cory and Topanga, me." 

"How can you say that?" she asked him.

The boy smiled at her. "Because you're worth it, Maya." 

"Why?" she asked him insecurely. 

He took her hands in his. "You're an amazing person, Maya. Even though you're reluctant to accept help, you're always the first one to give it. You defend your friends, even when you disagree with them. I've seen the way you are with Ava, a little girl who's going through the same things you did, who you'd protect with your life if necessary. And you never gave up on me, even when I was too stubborn to realise how much I need you in my life." 

"You mean that?" She asked him, looking up into his eyes. 

He nodded, "Of course, I do, Maya". 

"Fine," she gave in. "I'll try to be more open to help." 

"That's all I can ask for," he said smiling. 

It was a week later that Josh received a phone call from Maya. "I need help," she told him. He could hear in her voice how insecure she felt about asking for it. 

"What can I help you with, Gorgeous?" he asked her, happy that she finally decided to ask for it. 

"So," she started, "You can say no if you want to," she stalled.

"You can ask me anything, Maya," Josh reassured her. 

"So," she started again. "I needed something of the top shelf in the kitchen at the Matthews, I stumbled off the ladder and I fell." 

"Are you okay?" He asked her hastily. "I'm coming over." 

He could hear her voice trembling as she said, "I think I broke my arm. Could you please hurry and take me to the doctor?"

"I'll be there soon," he told her. 

"Josh, it really hurts," she said. 

He sighed, wishing he could make the subway ride go faster. "I know, I'm almost there." 

Later that day, as they walked out of the office with Maya's arm in a cast, Josh turned to face her. "I'm really proud of you for asking for help." 

She blushed. "Are you going to reward me with a kiss?" She teased. To her surprise, he actually did it. 

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