Meet the parents

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Maya was pacing in around his dormroom. "Relax," Josh told her from his position on the bed.

She stopped pacing to glare at him. "Relax?" She asked him incredulously. "Did you jist tell me to relax after you told me you were taking me to meet your parents?"

Josh shrugged. "You've already met them. Mom keeps telling me Cory need to bring you along next time they come to visit."

"Exactly," Maya exclamed. "They know me as Riley's best friend. They know me as one of Cory's students. They do not know me as there precious youngest's girlfriend."

Josh frowned. "What does it matter. They love you."

Maya started pacing again. "What if they don't like me anymore? What if they think I'm not good enough for you?" She stopped again, her back facing Josh. In a small voice she added, "what if they're right?"

At this, Josh stood up and pulled Maya into a hug. "They love you," he repeated more firmly. "And you are good enough for me. If anything I'm the one who isn't good enough for you."

Maya scoffed and instantly shrugged away that statement, making Josh smile. "That's exactly what I thought about what you said."

The blonde rolled her eyes. "What if they think I'm too young for you?"

Josh shook his head. "Come on, Little Ferret. They love you more then me. They'd be extatic that we're dating." He kissed her forehead. "Are you ready to go now?"

"No," Maya said, looking down. "But you already told them we were coming."

"Everything will be fine," he assured her, getting an unsure shrug in return. "I love you."

Maya smiled a little. "I love you too."

During the whole drive to Philly, Maya pitched every possible bad scenario she could think of, only for Josh to reassure her. By the time they arrived, Maya was a nervous wreck.

Before either one of them could get out of the car, Amy opened the door. "Oh, Joshua, you're finally here," she exclaimed happily.

The two of them got out of the car and walked to the front door. Josh greeted his mother, but when she saw Maya behind him she quickly let go of him. "Maya, darling," she said, putting her hands on the younger girl's cheeks. "It's so good to see you again."

The blonde smiled nervously. "Hi Mrs. Matthews. It's good to see you again too." She replied politely.

Amy shook her head. "Darling, you know you can call me Amy." She then turned back to her son. "Weren't you going to bring your new girlfriend?" She asked. "I hope she's an upgrade from the last one." She raised an eyebrow.

Josh rolled his eyes and put his arm around a practically shaking girlfriend. "I did bring my girlfriend," he answered proudly, smiling lovingly at Maya.

Amy pulled both young adults into another hug. "Oh that's wonderful news!" She said excitedly, then she turned to Maya. "It seems my little boy finally come to his senses." She winked.

Maya chuckled relaxing a bit. Josh's arm around her definitely helped too.

The mother then guided the two of them into the house. "Alan!" She called. "They're here."

The older man came down the stairs and stopped on the last step, looking at Josh and Maya's position. Silently, he walked over to his son and patted his son on the shoulder. "Congratulations, kiddo. You found a good one. Make sure you treat her right."

Josh grinned at his father and nodded. "I will," he promised. He threw a wink at Maya.

"Josh?" Amy asked, "do you mind helping me in the kitchen for a moment, please?"

They left, not noticing the panicked look on Maya's face. Alan did see it though. "It's okay," he assured her. "Amy's been wondering for years when Josh would finally ask you out."  The statement made Maya smile.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Josh was wondering what his mother wanted to say. "I'm so proud of you, baby," she started speaking. "I think you found the perfect girl for you."

Josh thanked her. "Just know that if you hurt her there will be consequences."

The boy's eyes widened in shock. "Mom?!" He gasped. "I'm your son. You should be defending me."

Amy rolled her eyes. "That girl's been in love with you from the day you met. I don't see her ever doing something to hurt you."

Josh's heart fluttered at that moment. "I love her too," he admitted. "And I'd do anything to keep her safe and happy."

"Good," Amy smiled. "Now go tell your girl I'm making taco's."

When Josh stepped back into the living room. Maya jumped to her feet. "So? Does she hate me?" She asked anxiously.

Her boyfriend shook his head. "The exact opposite. She even threatened me to never hurt you."

Maya walked into his arms. "You'd never hurt me," Maya said confidently.

Josh smiled and nodded. "That's exactly what I told her." They ended up spending a great weekend in Philly, ending it with Maya promising Amy they'd visit again soon.

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