Chapter 32: Shacklebolt

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Evangeline's POV

I had arrived a little late due to the long walk, so most people were already in the Great Hall eating. Unfortunately though, the doors were still closed. Fortunately however, I think a grand entrance suits a meeting with the Ministry.

Swallowing any nervousness I had about being so bold in front of so many people, I flicked my hand to pull apart the doors. As they creaked open, I strode forward inside, walking with confidence up to the professor's table. On the far right was an open seat alongside a man I had never seen before, presumably Mr. Shacklebolt. 

My heels clicked along the hard floor, my outfit and appearance causing one too many students to look my way and whisper. Well more like boast. I heard scattered mutterings about how smug I seemed and how scantily I was. Finally arriving at the table, Mr. Shacklebolt stood up and held his hand out, "Miss Waters, pleased to meet you finally." He held a clever smile, which he maintained as I shook his hand.  

When we both sat down I said, "The pleasure is all mine Mr. Shacklebolt. I hope your trip to Hogwarts wasn't too exhausting." 

He shook his head, "No it was quite an endearing trip, reminding me of my time in Hogwarts when I was once a student." 

I turned towards Professor McGonagall and said calmly, "Professor McGonagall, I apologize once again for any interruptions I caused in class today. I hope you understand." 

She smiled kindly, "I do. However, I heard about that altercation you had with Mr. Avery. He has been given detention." 

I nodded, "Thank you professor. I truly wish it hadn't come to such circumstances, but my hand was forced. Hopefully it won't happen again." 

Mr. Shacklebolt interrupted, "What is this I hear about an altercation?" 

I looked coolly over to him, "Ah- earlier today a boy harassed me and initiated a duel after I wasn't responsive to his bullying. After his poor attempts at spell work, I finished the matter as peacefully as possible." 

He looked at me curiously, "Do you get into fights often, Miss Waters?" He was testing me, and I could tell even if he didn't have a notebook on him, that he was memorizing everything I said. I smiled, "No not at all. However, things have changed recently since I have arrived for my seventh year at Hogwarts. I presume it is due to my involvement in business, yet I believe these matters will cease soon." 

I picked at the food on my plate, observing Mr. Shacklebolt to read him better. I decided to ask him, "So- was it you who sent the Auror to track me or is it someone above you?" 

Some of the professors looked over to us as soon as I said that. Remus narrowed his eyes at the man, but tried his best not to say anything. He said, "I sent him to you." 

I chuckled at his response, "You know that's not what I was asking, but I'll take it anyways." 

"So how long have you been skilled in Earth magic? That is what you used to restrain Mr. Langley, correct?" 

"I suppose. I'm not skilled in Earth magic, I'm still learning. I am a student after all." 

He smiled a bit at that, knowing I wasn't going to be as forthcoming either. He continued with another question, "You are skilled in potions though. Otherwise you wouldn't be as successful in your business." 

I smiled, "If that's what you would like to presume. I still have much to learn though." 

I continued, "By the way, if you're going to have someone follow me, at least find someone competent." I looked down the table to see a hint of a smirk fall on Snape's face. Even Remus seemed a bit surprised at my brashness.

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