Chapter 28

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Chleo's POV

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Chleo's POV

That night I had dinner by myself and for the rest of the week I only saw Kai at work. I felt like he was ignoring me on purpose he only talked to me when he needed to I wanted to ask him what I did that he is behaving this way but decided against it his my boss after all he doesn't have to be my friend.

Today is Saturday and Mia should be here soon so I already packed my bags cause I've found a place with some help of Ashley and Chad. "Are you sure you don't want to stay Im sure Mr Russo won't mind" Mary said as she helped me with my bags. " I know Mary but I need to learn to stand on my own to feet. And please do come visit I'll cook you a nice South African dish" I said. "I promise I'll come on my off days. Ooooh Im gonna miss you now you and Miss Mia won't be here the house will be so quiet" she said close to tears.

"You're such a mommabear I'll miss you too Mary" I said giving her a hug before I entered the car. I thought I saw Kai in his window but when I looked again there was no one. Why does it feel that Im leaving behind a piece of me.

Maybe this is for the best before anything could've happen. I don't know if Im lucky or what cause this house that I got suddenly went for half it's price I should be happy I guess but I don't feel like it maybe when I walk through the door. I went to collect the keys and stuff and the real estate agent told me the house is fully furnished as a gift which was very weird but hey that means no eating pizza on the floor.

My parents had sent extra money for funiture as they know I stay in a expensive part of America and don't want their daughter to struggle in a foreign land. I've saved up money for 3 years and got an extra large going away paycheck. I know all that money would not have been enough for this house but turnes out that it was. With the money my parents gave me as a going away gift and what they send me now and the money I'll receive from selling my old car maybe next month I'll have a nice set of wheels. I was lost in thought when the car came to a stop.

"We here miss, let me help you with your bags" the driver said. "Thank you" I said. Getting out standing infront of my house. How did you afford that.

________________________________Kai's POV

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Kai's POV

I watched her leave. I watched my heart leave and this time around I could have done something about it. The way I've fallen for this woman I didn't think it could be possible how can someone get this close to me and make me feel in a matter of days.

When I found her looking for apartments I got upset at the though of her leaving the house when I've just gotten used to having her around but talking with Chad made me realise that it is something that she wanted to do for herself. Of cause I made sure that she had the best, well without her knowing.

Maybe it's for the best so all of this feelings can disappear. My phone vibrating in my pocket brought my back from my thoughts.

Kimberley: Hey babe I miss you wanna come over 😊
Me: Sure
Kimberley: See you at 7

"Mary. Please send this for Chleo" I told her. "Are you sure you don't want to drop it off yourself Mr Russo" she said. I bought a small house warming gift flowers and a card that I was gonna take to her but changed my mind. "No I'll be busy" I told her. I felt empty all over again and Im going to full that emptiness the best way I know how.

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