Chapter 6

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Chleo's POV

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Chleo's POV

"Liseho?" My dad said bringing me out of my deep thoughts he only use my middle name when he wants to have serious conversation and I think it is long overdue. "Yes Ntate?"(Yes Dad) I said but came out more like a question. "I asked what is bothering you? You have zoned out for the last 10 minutes" he said and everyone became quiet around the table, we were having lunch outside it was a beautiful Saturday so my mom suggested it but I know she just wants us to spend time together.

"It's just that this is such a great opportunity it's just too far from home. I'd be too homesick if I go. What if I fall sick? Who's gonna look after me?  What about you guys I can't come home every weekend. What if I dont make friends I'll be all alone in a foreign country. What if something happens and I need you and mom." I rambled without noticing that my cheeks was wet from the tears that was loosely falling from my eyes. "Oh jinna my kind, kom hier".(Oh my child come here) My mom said and motioned me to come and sit on her lap, yes she still holds us like when we where little whenever we got hurt or was upset it's very calming.

Rushing to her side cause I really need her hugs right now. "Shhhh my baby everything's gonna be just fine. You don't have to go if you don't want to nobody can make you. Me and your  father will support you with whatever choice you make. If you stay life will go on as per normal and if you go we will only be phone call away and I know your dad will be on the first flight cause you are such a daddies girl. You too Cass. And if things don't work out that side you can come home our door is always open and start anew. It's normal to be scared but we are with you every step of the way. You have made us so proud and we will still be proud of you if you stay or go. We just don't want you wake up some day and regret not taking chances" she said in her motherly voice while holding me tight. Yes I know I can be such a big baby.

"Yes princess your mom is right at the end of the day it's your decision to make and we will be proud of you still no matter what" my father said. "But if you go just know Im turning your room into an extra closet" Cassy said making us all laugh. "You better stay out of my room" I said giving her a playful scowl. "Don't worry princess. Daddy will guard your bedroom against these two trouble makers" Dad said playfully making me laugh. "Thanks Dad."

"Come gloomy people let's go get some ice cream to uplift your mood dad is paying." Tee said. "Haibo! When did I say that" dad said making us laugh even more. We have gotten so used to Thabang suggesting things and making someone else pay.


Someone knocked on my door I told the person to come in. "Hey sis you still up?"it was Cassandra talking through the door. "I told you to come in didn't I" I said putting the book down that I was reading . Cassy came in and joined me on the bed next to me pulling the blanket over herself.

"What are you doing ?" I asked knowing perfectly well what she's up to I just want to know whats the reason. "For a smart girl you're not so bright. We having movie night" she said and I only noticed than she had a bag full of treats and a bowl of popcorn. "What movie should we watch ?"she asked switching on my tv. "Can we watch jingle jangle?" I asked. "You are such a child. But yeah let's watch some black girl magic for Christmas."she said and laughed as I hit her with the pillow playfully.

Yes it's Christmas and we have spend the day cooking with mom and exchanging gifts and taking a walk on the beach. Our beautiful town was flooded with tourists and visitors from far and nearby towns that are taking a break with their families as here was a resort that resembled Mykonos from Greece called Club Mykonos and myself and the twins usally go to there to the arcade and today we went there and after 25 minutes Tee disappeared with a girl he had been talking to since we arrived. Fifteen minutes later me and Cassy decided to go home and leave our parents at the Casino that was next to the arcade. We came home and I came up to my room to take a nap and that's when Cassy knocked on my door.

Ten minutes into the movie Cassy started speaking "Im going to miss this" she said with a sad tone in her voice. "Who said Im going?"I asked her. Rolling her eyes at me playfully "You're my big sister I know you, you've always like taking on challenges and I always admired that about you. Can I come visit ?" She asked I looked at her with a small smile. "Of cause you can. You think Im making the right decision?" I asked her. "Girl you're not leaving any man behind so might as well go" she said playfully. "I'll kick you out of my bed."I said taking the last pack of Cadbury whisper balls. "Hey that's mine" she said in a fit of laughter. "My room my rules " I said with a big smile. "On a serious note though you'd be crazy not to go Tee and I will miss you and Im gonna miss this" she said moving closer cuddeling me. Five minutes later I hear soft snores indicating that Cassy has fallen asleep. "Me too baby sis me too" I said softly putting the chocolate down on my nightstand and cuddling up to her. That night I had the best sleep ever.

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