Chapter 20

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Chleo's POV

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Chleo's POV

So it turns out Ashley and Chad have been seeing each other and keeping it on the low and Ash kept it from Mia. Never seen her so pissed but I understand Ashley she didn't want to talk about it until is serious and it's her brothers best friend.

"Im just mad you kept it from me but Im happy for you bestie" Mia squaled. "I've never felt this way it is scary" Ashley said.

I know I've been there before gave my all for someone just to get the sort end of the stick. "Im sure he feels the same way one can tell by the way he looks at you" I said to her.

"Aaaaw you guys gonna make me emotional" Ashley said making us laugh. "Talking of looks I've seen the way Mr Russo have been looking at you Chleo." Ashley said. I would have been red was it not for my skin tone. The kitchen incident flashed before my eyes. "Ash you're seeing things that's not there" I said.

"Like Im seeing him looking at you now from his window" she said. The idiot that I am immediatly looked up. Shit. I wonder if anyone told him that he should smile more. His bedhead makes me want to run my fingers through his hair.

Stop daydreaming about your boss. Probably have drool all over your face Chleo. "Sis you still here or in that man's bedroom" I heard Ashley say. "Don't be silly" I said "He's m-" this time it was Mia "Boss yes we heard it a million times but I still want to know what happend in the kitchen" she said. "Hold up wait a damn minute did I miss something? " Ashley asked.

"It was nothing and Mia is just seeing things" I said defending myself. " I called to check up on them and both of them was stuttering unable to compose a sentence" Mia said and i splashed her with water making her laugh.

"I accidentally walked into him, that was it" I said. "Whoa I wish I could have seen it. Why did you have to phone them at that moment we could have gotten more juicer tea" Ashley said pointing at her. "I realised it too late" Mia said still laughing. "Helllooo Im right here and nothing is going to happen" I said


I really should thank God for these two friends that I have made. You know how some people can be when you have to share your best friend with their new friend. Im lucky that it was not my case and Ashley accepted me just like that. Stacy must have hand picked them from where she's watching.

As much as they try to include me in everything they do I still let them have that quality time just for them even if they tell me they don't mind it's the best I can do for them for helping with my homesick."I feel really bad for leaving again, I know we've been so excited about moving back to my place" Mia said. "It's just another few days and besides it is  work, as long as you call me" I told her. Mia have to return to Italy there's an emergency and few meetings that she has to attend.

They have made being here bearable,if not for them I would have been at home in my bed watching Netflix. Talking about home I should face time them it's been a while we have only been chatting and I miss them so much.

Getting out of the water to phone my mom. "Hi mammie slaap jy al ?" ( Hi mommy are you sleeping ?) It's around 8 at night at their side and probably hot cause January summer nights gets really hot. "Nee my blom ekt my grimering gedoen wou nie my rok vuil maak nie toe trek ek die gown bo oor aan" (no my flower I was doing my name up and didn't want to ruin my dress so I put a night gown on over it) she replied looking what's most likely the mirror to put on lipstick. "Ooooh gaan iemand op 'n date" (is someone going on a date) I asked. "Yes jou pa vat my op n date, a new french restaurant just open" (Your dad is taking me on a date) she said all smiles.

"Aaaaw you guys look amazing. Living your best lives now that your kids are out of the house huh " I said. Making my mom and dad laugh.

"Hello my princess. Yes we are having so much fun we should have kicked you guys out earlier" my dad joked. "Hi Ntate Im gonna pretend I did not hear any of that." I saietending to be heart broken. "You will always be my number one princess don't tell Cassy. Are you out swimming the weather looks gorgeous that side?" He asked. "Yes I am with Mia and Ash. ." I said putting them in the view so my parents can see.

"Hey Mr and Mrs 'M' " They both said from the pool. "Hi girls I wish I could have joined you guys" my mom said.

"We're waiting for and we'll take you on a girls day out when you're coming this side for your vacation" Mia said. "I can't wait. Meanwhile take good care of my daughter for me she can be a big baby" my mom said laughing.

"Mother" I said. "Sorry my daughter. Well me and your dad have to go or we will be late" she said. "Enjoy I'll call you tomorrow. I love you guys" I said. "We love you too" they replied and the screen went blank.

" Your parents are such couple goals. Yours too Mia. Me and my man should be like that one day" Ashley said.

"You should see them at home all cuddled up on the couch and stuff like they've been dating for 3 months. True I also wish to find love like theirs one day" I said.

"Maybe even sooner than you think" Mia cut in wiggling her eyebrows. "Would you guys stop" I said laughing. Looking up to his window and he was gone.

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