Cries- Chanlix

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Babyspace! Chan
Caregiver! Felix
Thank you @notjohnnysproblem for the request!

Lately Felix had been spending most of his time in the studio practicing for a cover he wanted to put out for Stays. The past few weeks have been constant vocal lessons from their teacher and practicing singing on his own whenever he had time. By the time he came home for the night he was tired from being out all day and almost always ended up going straight to bed.
The other boys were starting to worry for their fellow member, especially Chan. All week Chan had been feeling smaller than usual but he's been repressing it since he didn't want to bother his caregiver knowing how busy he had been. He had regressed with the other members before but when he's little all he wants is Felix and the last thing Felix deserved when working so hard was a clingy, little Chan. The first few days of feeling this way he was able to hold it back without any of the other members noticing the struggling little, but as soon as he woke up this morning he knew it wasn't going to happen today.
Chan suddenly woke up feeling even smaller than usual and as he looked over to the empty spot next to him, where Felix typically sleeps, he began to cry. He couldn't hold back his little side anymore and all he wanted was his caregiver. At first he cried for a little while by himself with none of the other members hearing but as he could feel himself slipping smaller and smaller his little cries became louder and louder. He had never slipped into baby space before and these new feelings were making him confused and add on that the fact that Felix wasn't by his side, all the poor boy could do was cry his little heart out.
Somehow being the first to wake up, Jisung made his way to the bathroom, the dorm still quiet being so early in the morning. At first he didn't really notice anything wrong, but as he walked closer to the bathroom he could hear the cries coming from Felix and Chan's shared room. Bathroom quickly forgotten the younger member raced into the room and was taken aback by the sight in from of him.
"Hyung, hyung, are you okay?" Jisung asked as he quickly moved towards the older member. Chan just continued to cry and babble back incoherent words. It was then that it hit Jisung that the boy was little. Not really knowing what else to do, having never taken care of little Chan, he did all he could think of and sprinted out of the room to his and Minho's shared room since Minho was Chan's other main caregiver when Felix wasn't around.
Luckily Minho was already up and it didn't take long for the two of them to make it back to their leader's room. Immediately Minho went to sit down and pull Chan into his lap.
Minho softly hushed the crying boy as he gently rocked him back in forth in hopes of calming him, "shhh, you're okay." They sat like that for a few minutes but it was doing nothing to calm the hysteric little.
"Come on baby, if you keep crying like this you're going to make yourself sick," Minho said at he brushed the hair from the older boys forehead. Suddenly an idea came to him as he looked up to Jisung who was just standing awkwardly by the bed still not really knowing what to do.
"Can you grab his paci? It should be somewhere on the nightstand" He said to Jisung while he tilted his head in the direction he was referring to. Glad to be given something to do to help Jisung hurried towards it and was, thankfully, able to quickly find the little's comfort item. He then walked back to the duo and slipped it into Chan's mouth while giving him a soft smile.
Chan immediately took it and began sucking on it, his cries quickly quieting down though tears still ran down the little's cheeks. Minho let out a breath of relief, at least this was progress and his head felt clearer now that the loud crying had stopped. They stayed how they were for a while, them rocking back and forth and Chan sucking on his paci till eventually the tears stopped all together.
Minho reached to gently brush his fingers against Chan's cheeks and gave him a soft smile as the little just looked up at him with big, starry eyes.
"Now, what upset my baby? Huh?" Minho softly asked the little. Feeling too small to answer Chan just babbled back to the younger member. The caregiver just sighed, knowing he wasn't going to an answer out of him. "How would you like to call Daddy?" Minho innocently asked, thinking it would help the little feel better at the thought of taking to Felix.
At this tears immediately came back into Chan and he began struggling in the younger's grip, cries starting again as the sudden movement caused his paci fall from his mouth. Not knowing what he did wrong, Minho began panicking and trying again to do all he can to calm the little down again, but now nothing would work. He couldn't think of why the little wouldn't want to talk to Felix, when we was little it was all he ever wanted: his daddy's attention. Shaking his head still confused Minho looked back up to Jisung.
"Call Felix for me please and ask him to come home." Minho asked Jisung.
"But..." Jisung started, ready to back up Chan since the little obviously didn't want to talk to him, but stopped with just a sharp look from the caregiver. He left the room and called Felix explaining to him the situation.

It took around 20 minutes for Felix to make it back to the dorm but as soon as he got in he raced towards his and Chan's room ready to comfort his little. As he walked in, he made eye contact with Minho was was lying in Chan's bed still holding the now asleep little.
"I think he tired himself out with all the crying. He fell asleep a few minutes ago." Minho said after Felix walked in and noticed the worried look on his face. Felix was silent, not really knowing what to say as he walked to the bed and sat down next to the duo.
"He didn't want to talk to me" Felix said after moments of silence. It wasn't a question, Felix had heard pretty clearly from Jisung what had went down. He was heartbroken thinking he had done something to hurt his baby.
Although, as soon as he said it Minho was shaking his head. "I think you've just been busy, Felix. He missed you I'm sure of it, he's been asking this last week non-stop when you were going to come home."
Felix again was struck to silence, he knew had had been busy but had he really been neglecting his little? Minho knew the younger caregiver was unsure of what to do so he made the first move. He motioned to Felix to come take his place cuddling the leader. They moved and were able to successfully change positions without waking Chan.
"Just hold him. And when he wakes up just spend time together little or big however he's feeling. You both need it," Minho told him as he walked out of the room and gently closed to door leaving the two alone.
Felix just looked down at his little lovingly and gently stroked his hair. He'd been so busy he didn't even think about how Chan must have been feeling. The two stayed like that for the next hour until Chan eventually began to stir. Waking up the little rubbed his eyes cutely before opening his eyes. His eyes lit up when he noticed who's arms he was in. He reached up his arms and put his palms against Felix's cheeks.
Felix softly smiled at the little as he took his hands from his cheeks and gave kisses on each hand causing the little the cutely giggle.
"I missed you so much, baby. Daddy's so sorry he's been so busy," the caregiver said sadly to the little. He didn't want to upset the little, but the question had still been on his mind nonstop, "why didn't you want Minho to call me earlier?" He asked as softly as he could.
Chan just whined as he shoved his head to his caregivers chest hiding his face and mumbled something incoherent. He reached to gently pull the little's face away so that he could understand him better. "What was that baby?"
"I no wanna boter Dada" Chan responded before he returned his head to its previous place.
"Aww baby," Felix said as he moved to pulled Chan tighter into a hug to comfort him, "you could never bother me, I promise. I may be busy sometimes but I always want to know when you're feeling little and want my attention. It makes me happier than anything else in this world."
Chan pulled his head out and looked at his caregiver with his big eyes, "I lub chu dada."
"I love you too, baby, so so much," Felix responded as he gave Chan kissed all over his face as Chan giggled away.
The two just stayed like that for the rest of the day, just cuddling and enjoying each other's company, neither wanting to leave the other's embrace.

Word count: 1621

A/N: I can't believe it's been forever since I updated but everything has just been so busy. I made an extra long one for you guys so I hope you all enjoy it!

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