Felix x Skz- Kingdom

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Caregiver! Stray Kids

Little! Felix

Requested by  ZoyaMir5

     The boys had all been ridiculously busy lately due to the show they were competing on, Kingdom. Of course they were all so thankful for the opportunity and glad it was getting them some more attention and fans, but it was a lot of work. They spent almost every day either filming something for Kingdom, having meetings with their company staff about how it's going and ideas, or hours upon hours of recording and dance practices. Not to mention the stress and emptiness they were all feeling because of the loss of one of their members. While they still text and talk to Hyunjin every so often, it's not the same as having them all together and it really made them feel like something was missing from their little family.

     Although, while all of the members were dealing with all of this is their own way, the one struggling the most was Felix. Felix is a little and all of the other members are his caregivers, but Hyunjin was his favorite to spend time with when he was little (shh don't tell the others!). Hyunjin was actually the one who first brought up little space to Felix one day when he had noticed how stress he was before one of their first concerts. Hyunjin had known about age regression since his schools days, since one of his old friends was a little, and knowing Felix's naturally cute personality, he just thought it would be perfect for him. And boy was he right. After that it didn't take long for Felix to naturally slip and since then he's been regressing to help him with his stress and anxiety.

     When they first started Kingdom Felix knew it would be a little difficult to struggle their busy schedule with regressing, but he had managed through the first recordings with the help of his members. Although, ever since the beginning of the second week of Kingdom the little had been refusing to slip, claiming he didn't need to, and it had begun to worry the others.

     Right now they were all getting ready for their third performance and doing some last minute practicing before they would begin recording for the show. They were all really worried about this as they were covering a BTOB song that was vocally challenging along with tricky transitions and props, so they were all taking practice very seriously.

     The members were practicing their own parts when Chan looked over and noticed Felix just standing still and staring at the wall, completely spaced out. He walked over to the younger and gently went to tap him on the shoulder to gain his attention.

Not expecting the sudden touch, Felix immediately jumped and let out a surprised noise.

"Woah," Chan said, startled by the younger's reaction, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that," Chan attempted to console the younger who was now holding his heart trying to recover from the scare.

"You're fine, I just wasn't expecting it," Felix whispered back, so quietly Chan could barely hear him, as he turned around and began moving to pretend to grab something out of his bag.

Chan followed the younger, knowing without a doubt that something was wrong he just wasn't exactly sure what. As he got to the other he gently grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to look at him, trying to examine his face to figure out what was wrong.

"Is everything okay, Felix?" He finally asked when he couldn't read the younger's face.

Felix didn't verbally respond, but just dropped his head effectively losing eye contact with the older.

Chan just sighed and brought the younger into a hug, gently rubbing his back.

"You know, if you ever need anything you know it's okay to ask right? We're all here to listen and help you however we can, you know that right?"

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