Jealousy- Jeongin & Minho x Skz

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Request by: sugarcubesss

Litte(s): Jeongin, Minho

Caregiver: Skz

Any one who meets Stray Kids can immediately tell how close all of the members are with each other, and that's because they really are like a family to each other. That's why when Minho told the rest of his members that he was an age regressor a few weeks ago, his fellow members immediately welcomed his little side and all quickly began to fill the role of his caregivers whenever he slipped.

Ever since he had told them, things had been going perfect according to Minho. He slipped to a slightly older age, who liked to play independently but loved when a caregiver was nearby paying attention to him. Since he was an older age, he also didn't need much help from them. Feeding himself, bathing on his own, and whenever a fellow member would offer to help he would claim he didn't need help since he was a "big boy". Although, he did secretly love when his caregivers dote on him and give him attention, even if he did teasingly giggle and push them away when they tried to give him kisses.

All of this changed the day Jeongin came out as a little as well. Since Jeongin had always been the "baby" of the group anyways, being the youngest member, the other's took to caring for him immediately when he regressed.

At first it wasn't too bad. Jeongin typically regressed to a younger age then Minho, who enjoyed getting to be his older brother even when little. After a while though, Minho could begin to feel the jealously of having another little. Since he typically enjoyed playing alone, the caregivers would spend their time playing with Jeongin (since he was a lot clingier when regressed). Minho didn't mind too much, especially since he did love little Jeongin, but he felt himself missing the attention he used to get from his caregivers.

It started getting worse when the team finally got a two week break after they had finished their latest performances. While Minho has been feeling big the first few days of their break, Jeongin had been regressed basically the entire time. The problem came when Minho woke up one morning feeling little.

     As soon has he woke up he could feel the familiar pressure in his head that he feels when he needs to regress. He got up out of bed and made his way over to Chan's bedroom, since he's typically the first people he usually went to when he wanted cuddles. When he got to the room he was about to rush in and jump onto the bed when he noticed that Chan wasn't alone. Jeongin was also here, cuddling with Chan as he fed him a bottle.

     The two didn't even noticed Minho till he had gotten all the way to the bed. "Can I cuddle, too?" Minho asked quietly when he made his way over to the duo.

     The sudden voice had surprised Chan who startled in response resulting in moving the bottle away from the little's mouth causing him to begin crying.

     Chan signed loudly and began consoling the little without even responding to the other little.

     "Daddy?" Minho asked when he never got a repsonse.

     "Minho, go find someone else to cuddle with okay. I'm busy with Jeongin right now."

     Minho just nodded in response as he made his way back out of the room. As he made his way around to the other member, they were all also too busy to spend time with little Minho. Before any of them could see his tears, he made his way back to his room and just spent the rest of the day by himself.

    The next few days things were the same. Jeongin would feel little and they would all baby him. Minho would slip and they would ignore him, focusing all of their attention on the other. Eventually Minho just stopped regressing in front of the others. They never payed attention to him anyways, and none of them even noticed when he stopped regressing. All that they noticed was that he was becoming angrier and angrier and none of them could figure out why.

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