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A/N: I'm having a really fun time writing this story, and I don't really know if anyone will read it but, hey, why not write it. I hope you like the chapter:)

"Wait, what?" Tenya demanded, absolutely astonished. "S-Sero, you have a girlfriend." This didn't make sense. Sero loved Mina. Mina loved Sero. Tenya was not trying to mess that up. He wanted them to both be happy... even if that meant they weren't with... him. But he didn't want one to be happy because of him and the other be miserable. He stressfully ran a hand through his dark blue hair.

"Yeah, and that girlfriend actually knows that I kind of have a thing for you," Sero stated blandly. He grabbed Tenya's pillow and hugged it tightly. "When I told her toward the beginning of the year that I liked you, she asked me if I knew anyone who didn't like you, so it's not that big a deal to her."

"What are you proposing, Sero?" Tenya asked wearily. "What is it if you don't mind me asking?" He wiped his sweaty palms on his shorts. 

"For a smart guy, you can be really fucking dumb sometimes, y'know that, Iida?"  Sero snapped, still hugging the pillow. He was silent for a few seconds. "I asked you if you knew about polyamory, I told you I like you, and I told you my girlfriend is at least attracted to you, so what can you hypothesize from that, Mr. Class Rep?"

Tenya let out a small, short laugh before replying. "Well, first, it would be a conclusion, not a hypothesis." That received a small glare from the raven haired stoner. "And, second, my conclusion would be that you are proposing a polyamorous relationship."

"Strong conclusion, kiddo, have the essay on my desk on Monday," Sero snorted, as though the high had already hit him, but his sober humor was pretty similar to his high humor, so it was always hard to tell if he was high or not.

"Wrong context," Tenya chuckled. Joking about serious things like this was easy with Sero. It was hard to let things stress you out when you have a stoner cracking dumb jokes like that every few minutes when things get a little too tense. That was a large part that Tenya liked about him. "That's like an essay in a language class. The other type you were talking about was more of a science type, like you're doing a lab experiment."

"Okay," Sero laughed lightly as he smacked his taller friend with the pillow. "That high either needs to come right now or you need to shut the hell up with your pretty boy smartass shit before I take back my offer."

"There was an offer there?" Tenya asked after a few seconds. He didn't fully understand what was happening.

"Well, yeah, there's an offer," Sero said calmly. "The offer is that I ask Mina about a polyamorous relationship with you. I'd be down as hell, and I'm like 98% sure she would, too, but I don't wanna speak for her on something like this. And, of course, it's only if you'd be down, too. And even if Mina doesn't actually want to date you herself, I could see if it's okay if I date both of you but you don't date each other. I really like you, Iida. I really like Mina, too. It's not an easy conclusion to come to, but it's the best one I can think of. At least for me."

"I'd be down," Tenya said before he could even think. "I don't wanna cause a rift between you and Mina, though, so if she's not down, I'll just get over it. I just want you two to be happy. Are... Are you sure, though?"

"Yeah," Sero sighed. He looked upward as if he was trying not to cry, but Tenya couldn't see any tears in his eyes. "I have an understanding of where you're coming from. I was in a similar situation in middle school."

"Do you mind if I ask about the situation?" the blue hair boy asked tentatively. "It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it."

"No, no, it's fine," Sero insisted. The ceiling must have been pretty fascinating to him. "I had a crush on a guy, but I also liked his boyfriend. I felt kinda awkward about talking to them about it to be honest. They were understanding, but neither of them liked me back. It was... pretty fucking heart-wrenching. I don't think I should have told them I liked them at all, 'cause it led to some other problems that I don't really wanna talk about right now."

"I... I won't press you for details," Tenya said respectfully as Sero stressfully threw the pillow back where it belonged on the bed. "But if you ever wanna talk about it, I'm always here. Even if this doesn't work out." He placed a hand on top of Sero's, drawing the boy's attention to him as he smiled kindly. He was gonna have a lot harder time keeping that kind smile around Sero if this didn't work out, though, which... scared him.

"Thanks, Iida," the black haired boy said with a small, sad smile.

"Call me Tenya," the taller boy said without really thinking. But he did want Sero to call him by his given name. 

"Okay, Tenya," Sero said with a slight grin. "You can call me Hanta, then."

"Will do," Tenya chuckled lightly. "It feels good to hear my given name once in a while. Since we haven't been able to see our families much, I haven't heard anyone say 'Tenya' in a fair bit, Hanta." Hanta. That felt really nice to say.

"If that's the case I will say 'Tenya' so much, Tenya," Hanta laughed, his normal energy seeming to return to him. "Like, Tenya, you are going to regret this day when hearing 'Tenya' for the 914th daily time. I am going to call you 'Tenya' so much that you will get tired of hearing your own name, Tenya."

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing you say my name, Hanta," Tenya chuckled as the black haired stoner leaned against him.

"Good," the shorter boy chuckled. A few minutes of comfortable silence passed. "I think the brownies are starting to kick in," Hanta chuckled.

"Yeah," Tenya said with a small laugh. A sense of calm and lightness was slowly creeping into him. Everything felt easier when he was high, as long as there weren't too many people around and he wasn't alone. He had had borderline panic attacks in the middle of the night because he was so stressed that he had gotten into his emergency stash of lollipops. Well, it wasn't an "emergency" stash, per se, but more of like an "if Hanta was in his room at two a.m. playing video games on a weekend night and wanted to get stoned but didn't want to disrupt anybody" stash. "I'm starting to feel it too."

"Good," Hanta said before reaching his hand up and ruffling Tenya's hair. "I like sober Tenya, but high Tenya is a lot more fun."

"I gotta say I agree with you on that," Tenya laughed lightly. He looked into the other boy's black eyes for just a few seconds, but those few seconds were just enough for him to lose any sense of responsibility before gently pressing his lips to Hanta's.

It was a bad idea, Tenya knew that, Hanta probably knew, too. But, damn, it felt like a good idea. Hanta placed his hands on Tenya's face before one hand crept up and his fingers curled into dark blue hair. Tenya's arms wrapped around the black haired boy's waist, pulling him onto his lap. It felt like such a good idea, that their slow, sweet kiss lasted an irresponsible amount of time.

"High Tenya is decidedly way more fun," Hanta breathed as he pulled away from the kiss, still not moving his hands.

"I'm sorry," Tenya said quickly, his arms still wrapped around his friend. "That was... really irresponsible of me."

"Yeah, it was," Hanta laughed slightly. He paused for a few seconds. "Do it again."

And they did it again...

And again...

And again...

And again.

A/N: I almost made Mina come in there and break it up and then whoop Sero's ass, but I decided against it xD. Feels like the right choice for the vibe of this story. I hope you liked it!

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