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A/N: A ship I've never seen any fanart or fanfics about but I feel like it has potential. There's no way in hell it would become cannon but hey it's just something that I thought of and I think is neat. I hope y'all enjoy and think it's neat, too. :) This is my first fic on Wattpad so I'm getting a little used to it. Like I said hope you like it!

Maybe it was ridiculous. Hell, it probably was. No, it definitely was. It was ridiculous that Tenya felt nauseous when he glanced at them, cuddling on the couch during class movie night, minding their own business. Maybe he was jealous of the relationship. No, that couldn't be it. He wasn't jealous of Kirishima and Bakugou, or Momo and Jiro. If he saw them in the corner of his eye, his stomach felt fine, but when he watched Sero and Mina cuddle and sneak small kisses  in the dark living area, his stomach did cartwheels. It turned and churned and made him want to vomit. 

Or maybe he just wanted to hang out with Sero and get high. Tenya wasn't addicted, but it felt nice to just chill and forget how to be responsible for a while a couple times a week. Or maybe it felt nice to just be in Sero's presence, just the two of them. It stressed him out to smoke by himself or eat an edible and have no one to talk to. But being stoned in front of a lot of people was the worst. Everyone looked to him to be responsible and he just couldn't be what everyone else needed if he wasn't completely sober.

He looked across the room at them one last time. The two shared a slightly slower kiss than what they had previously been indulging in as everyone else watched the movie. It pissed him off. Before he knew what he was even thinking, he shot up to his feet. 

"Iida, are you okay?" Momo asked looking up at the sudden movement. She didn't move, though, because Jiro had dozed off at her side.

He thought quickly so as not to embarrass himself. "I'm gonna go to bed. I didn't sleep well last night," he lied quickly.

"You okay, man?" Kirishima asked from the floor in front of the chair that Sero and Mina were cuddling in. "Can't believe you're going to bed before this big baby." He chuckled lightly as he nudged his boyfriend, who looked like he could pass out at any given moment on the redhead's shoulder.

"I'll fuckin' kill you," Bakugou hummed sleepily, rubbing his nose against Kirishima's neck. He sounded annoyed, but not angry.

"Yeah, okay," Kirishima chuckled, kissing the sleepy blonde on the head. His attention went back to Tenya. "But are you okay, bro?"

"Yeah," Tenya lied. "Just tired."

"Goodnight, then, Iida," Sero said with a small smile as Tenya made his way to the elevator. 

"Goodnight, everyone," Iida said as he entered the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, something inside his chest unraveled, and he let out a large breath he didn't know he had been holding. He didn't understand what he was feeling. It almost felt like a crush but... on both of them? That's not how crushes work, he was pretty sure. You love one person, because if you loved more than one you would love one more than the other, but... there wasn't one of them he liked more than the other. They had vastly different energy on their own but they were still equally great. Mina was just as gorgeous as Sero was handsome. They were equally fascinating to him. 

When he reached his level, he went straight to his dorm and got in the shower. The hot water seemed to clear his mind, and being clean was a nice feeling. He stayed in the shower until the water ran cold. He didn't normally do that out of consideration for U.A.'s water bill, but he didn't really care that Friday night. Once he got out of the shower and got dressed, he considered doing his homework and studying a little, but decided against it. He was emotionally and mentally drained from overthinking. He flopped onto his bed and scrolled through his phone. Maybe Instagram could distract him. It couldn't.

Maybe it was someone reading his mind, knowing that he didn't want to be alone, or maybe they just needed help with the homework after the movie but someone tapped on his door, startling him to his feet. He hurried to the door, being greeted with a smirking Sero as he opened it. God, it was a nice sight.

"You seemed stressed," Sero said before Tenya could ask why he was there. "Plus, Shinsou had to leave, so Denki lost his cuddle buddy, and for some reason I become the third wheel when Denki needs cuddles from Mina," Sero chuckled. Then he must have realized how it sounded. "I-I don't think it's wrong for them to cuddle or anything, and I don't feel like Mina likes Denki more than me, but it's a mama bear type thing, I guess, since she's trying to mentor him into a relationship with Shinsou," he laughed. It sounded just a little ridiculous. "But, yeah, you seemed stressed, so I brought a snack." He held up a plate that had four brownies on it.

"I hope it's the type of snack that'll get me high, 'cause I could use it right now," Tenya chuckled humorlessly as he let Sero into his room.

"Why would I bake if I didn't put weed in it?" the skinnier boy laughed. "You know how much I hate it." He walked in and sat on Tenya's bed, the blue haired boy following suit. "Two for each of us. I decided to up the amount of weed in them so that Mina wouldn't eat too many in one sitting."

Tenya reached for one and took a bite. "They're better than normal. What'd you do different other than the amount of weed?"

"I didn't do anything else different," Sero chuckled as he reached for one, too. "Mina did help, though, so maybe her sweetness transferred into it." The last bit simultaneously made his stomach turn and his heart flutter.

"Well, Mina should help you for often," Tenya said, continuing to eat his brownie. "She's way better at baking than you."

"Hey," Sero huffed, smacking Tenya with his pillow. "I can say it, you can't." 

"Hey, I'm just stating facts," Tenya chuckled, finishing his first brownie and reaching for his other one. The boys ate in silence. 

After a few minutes of almost comfortable silence, Sero spoke up. "What's wrong, 'cause it's clearly not because of you sleeping poorly?" The question caught Tenya a little off guard.

"I dunno, Sero," Tenya sighed, running a hand through his still damp hair. "I've... just had something on my mind lately."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" the black haired boy asked, braiding a small strand of his hair. It was a tendency Tenya had noticed he did when he was waiting for a high.

"I dunno what there is to talk about," Tenya said, looking down at his watch. The high probably wouldn't come for another twenty or thirty minutes. "I don't even understand what I'm feeling or thinking, so I doubt you'd wanna hear me rant about it."

"Hey, man," Sero said with a small chuckle. "We've got nothing but time."

"I feel..." Tenya took in a deep breath. "I think I feel jealous of you and Mina."

"Because we're in a relationship and you're not?" Sero asked, obviously confused. 

"No, because it's not like I'm jealous of Kirishima and Bakugou or Jiro and Yao Momo," the taller boy huffed. "It's like... It's like I have a crush on one of you, but I don't know which."

"Huh," Sero said, sounding dumbfounded. "Maybe... Maybe you like both of us?" He sounded just a little hopeful, which Tenya found kind of strange.

"No," Tenya insisted. "No, that's not how love works. You-you like one person, because if you love two you'll end up choosing a favorite, and that's toxic to the person who's the least favorite."

Sero was quiet for a few seconds. "Not necessarily," he said slowly. "I mean, there's polyamory. You know what that is, right?"

"Yeah," Tenya said staring at his hands. "It's where more than two people are dating, but that can't work out. People will pick favorites. What's your point?"

"Iida," Sero said slowly. "I've... been crushing on you since we started at U.A."

That's all for today, kids :) Hope you're enjoying it. I'll try to update every couple of days but my schedule is a little scuffed xD.

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