28 | lady and the tramp

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            "Does Logan have a kid?" Miles asked, smiling softly.

            "Don't know," Jensen said. "We only really see her in her office. She's usually too drunk to be aware of what's happening around her so I don't know think motherhood's where she's at in life."

            Miles swallowed hard; Jensen hadn't seen him eat a bite of spaghetti.

            "We don't have to talk about this, I—" Jensen put her fork down for a moment. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."

            "You don't have to evaluate what you say around me, Rhodes," Miles said, nodding like he'd decided something internally. "I'm a big boy. I can handle it."

            "And you don't have to handle it when you're with me," Jensen said, waving her hand dismissively. "I can talk to someone else about Logan."

            "You can talk about Logan's alcoholism with someone else, if you want," Miles said. "But I'm here to hear about Jensen. And if Logan is part of you, I can hear it."

            "Logan's got some emotional... habits." Jensen took a bite of spaghetti to avoid talking. When Miles didn't say anything while she ate, she stole a glance in his direction. Worried eyes stared back at her. "I'll absolutely be okay. Filming'll be over soon, you know. There's not a lot I can do now that we're a decent way through filming."

            "Is there someone you can talk to on set when you're—when Logan's feeling this way?"

            Jensen shook her head, quickly wiped away a tear that slipped down her cheek. "Kind of have to remind myself we're different people whenever I can."

            "How much longer is filming?"

            "Next month," Jensen said. "The thirtieth."

            "Can you handle a month more of Logan?"

            Jensen pondered the question. Felt herself nodding before her brain had come to an answer. "I get to come home to you. The kids. At the end of the day. No matter how late. I think if everything stays normal here... Everything starts to calm down—" Jensen pressed a finger to her temple. "Here. I... I can do it. Yeah."

            "Is it still bad?"

            Jensen nodded. "Some days."

            "I'm sorry."

            "Remember that thing you said about the life we made," Jensen started. "And where we ended up?"

            Miles nodded and scooped a mouthful of spaghetti into his mouth.

            "I can deal with months of this if it means having them in our lives."

            Miles smiled softly. "Keep me posted on that?"

            "I said you were stuck with me," Jensen said, nudging her knee against his. "I meant that."


            "Pas-ghetti!" Rocky said, turning toward them. Holding up a noodle when her fork would've been even more wonderful for her to use. But to each their own. "Lady and Tramp."

            "Yeah, Rock," Miles said. "Like Lady and the Tramp."

            "You do?"

            "You want us to do Lady and the Tramp?" Miles asked.

            "Yeah!" Rocky clapped.

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