06 | hollywood shuffle

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It was almost ten in the morning and Jensen felt like she was going to throw up on the way to press. While her directors knew about her pregnancy, no one else did. Including her co-stars. Tina had come for the ride with her, but said she would hang out at the closest coffee shop so it didn't get crowded with interviewers and reporters. Since they were having a big press conference first, followed by too many days of interviews for various magazines and websites, Jensen was too close to revealing herself to the world after months in isolation.

            Walking into the building for press, Jensen's heart pounded in her chest. She'd made sure to take her Lexapro before she left, but the nerves made themselves known in spite of her medication. An assistant came up to her the moment she walked in the door. Jensen tried to pretend that she hadn't jumped.

            "Missus Rhodes," the assistant said, "I'm here for anything you might need, my name's Blaine. Give me a call if you need anything, okay? I'll be here for you for every day of press."

            "I—thanks," Jensen said, "Nice to meet you, Blaine."

            "Can I get you a coffee—" Blaine stopped, eyes widening. "Water? Um, something to drink?"

            "Water would be great," Jensen said. "Thanks."

            "Jensen Rhodes!"

            Jensen turned on her heel to see a grinning Scott Vine, her co-star. Who had only recently topped the Hollywood's most eligible bachelor list with his divorce that the press liked to hound him about. He and Jensen had bonded over the press not leaving them alone over things they didn't want to talk about.

            "Holy shit," Scott said, grinning as he walked over. He went to wrap his arms around Jensen but stopped himself. "Hugging, are we cool with it?"

            Jensen nodded.

            Scott hugged her, Jensen standing on her toes as he did so. He was built big enough that hugging Scott, no matter how tightly, felt like a bear-hug in the greatest way possible.

            "So, I'm sensing news," Scott said as he pulled away.

            Jensen smiled softly and held her arms out to the side. "You remember when you had the wonderful task of holding my hair back while I vomited on set?"

            Scott let out a belly laugh. "All in a day's work."

            "Turns out I didn't have food poisoning."

            Scott hugged her again. "I take it this is... it? The big reveal? The hello world, baby on the way?"

            Jensen drew a deep breath in. "That it is."

            "That's exciting," Scott said. He took a moment, examining Jensen's face. "Right?"

            "It's..." Jensen considered her words carefully. "Going to feel a lot better when it's done."

            "Standing in the lobby not doing it for you?"

            "Imagining the cameras flashing isn't either," Jensen said.

            "Ten minute call," an organizer yelled from deeper in the lobby. "Can I get the actors over here, please?"

            "Think you can wait ten minutes?" Scott asked. "Or should we go sneak on stage and get those pictures done now?"

            "I've been waiting seven months," Jensen said. "I think I can wait ten minutes."

            Scott grinned. "Good thing you get to go out first, right?"

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