"You look beautiful Iris!" I exclaimed as I saw Iris walk in. She really did look ethereal in her white wedding dress, her dark hair pinned up.

"Thank you Caterina, I'm so nervous!" She stated and I hugged her tightly.

"Grayson is going to want to fuck you right there and then when he see's you!" Valentina shouted, walking into the room. I snorted and Iris blushed, rolling her eyes at Valentina.

"Your mystery hunk better be here today Valentina." Iris teased and Valentina smirked.
"Oh he will." She said and I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
"You mean he's here! Who is he?" I asked excitedly and she lightly tapped my nose.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out." She replied and I sighed, nudging her slightly.

"Look at this handsome boy." Iris said, holding her arms out to Angelo. Zara walked in, dressed in her bridesmaid dress and handed Angelo over to Iris.
"Iris, you look gorgeous! I finally get to see my best friend getting married!" Zara said and Iris chuckled as she pecked Angelo's cheek.

"So you guys all went with the violet dress. You all look so beautiful, I'm so happy you're all here." Iris said and we all smiled.

Nicolàs walked in and smiled at us kindly. I grabbed Angelo and me, Zara and Valentina left the room, giving Iris and Nicolàs a moment.

"Caterina where were you this morning?" Zara asked once we were outside the door. I froze as I stopped playing with Angelo and stared at her.
"I went to go see Eleonora." I said and she frowned.
"But Eleonora asked me to come find you. I went to your room but you weren't there." She said.


I cleared my throat and smiled, hoping she would believe me.
"Where was she? I woke up early to go get some last minute stuff and tried to find her, but I couldn't." I said and she nodded.
"She was in my room." She replied.

"It's time to go girls." Eleonora said as she appeared down the hallway, looking beautiful in her dress. We went ahead to the main venu where the wedding was to be held. I looked around, a sense of happiness growing within me as I saw our friends and family bustling around, all excited for to see Iris and Grayson get married.

"This family is huge." Valentina said in awe as she looked around. I chuckled and agreed with her. Zara took ahold of Angelo as he started getting fussy again.

"Here, the flowers are falling out of your hair, let me sort it out." Valentina said as she sorted out my hair.
"Luna! Lorenzo!" I exclaimed happily as the two appear.
"Caterina! You look beautiful." Lorenzo said kissing my cheek. I hugged Luna tightly.
"Where's Gabriella and Elena? God I haven't seen them two in forever." I said and Luna chuckled.
"They're with Leonardo. He's just talking to a few of the others." She said. Luna and Valentina introduced themselves to each other and I turned to Lorenzo.
"So, have you found a girl then?" I asked as I nudged him and he laughed, wrapping an arm around me.
"Unfortunately no. I think you're destined to be my one true love Caterina." He teased and I snorted. When we were little, Lorenzo confessed to me that he had a huge crush on me.
"Come on, there must be a girl here who wants to be with you!" I said as I looked around. He shrugged and turned to look at Valentina talking to Luna.

"Your friend here is very beautiful." He said and I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness. Valentina, hearing Lorenzo, turned to him and patted his shoulder comfortingly.
"Sorry pal, but I'm taken." She said and Lorenzo grumbled.
"All the good ones are taken." He said and we all laughed.
"Come on, let's go, the wedding is about to start." I said excitedly and wound my arm through Lorenzo's.

"Unfortunately, I'm going to have to join the men now." Sighed Lorenzo sadly and I giggled at his ridiculous attempt of humour.
"Well I'll see you later." I said to Lorenzo and went to join the rest of the bridesmaids. Marcello and Eleonora walking in first and took their seats at the front. Angelo was in Eleonora's hands and everyone was taking away by how cute he was.
The groomsmen walked in next and I tried to spot Matthias, but I couldn't.

"I wonder where your man is." I said to Valentina and she smirked, her eyes scattering over the people seated. Her eyes gleamed as her gaze landed on someone. I tried to follow her gaze, but she looked back to me in an instant and I sighed.
"Come on Val! Who is it? I'm dying to know." I said and she laughed. Her eyes went over to the groomsmen and I raised my eyebrows in surprise, however before I could see who it was, it was the bridesmaids turn to walk in.

I saw Gabriella and Elena ( the flower girls) walk in front and I chuckled at how adorable they looked. I kept my gaze down as I focused on trying not to fall in my heels. Once we got to the alter, we lined up on the left side.

I smiled at Grayson who caught my eye and he smiled back nervously.
'You got this' I mouthed to him and he nodded back and sent a smile back again. I was about to avert my eyes to the door when my gaze fell on Matthias. I gasped quietly as his eyes were already trained on me.

A/N:If you guys haven't read the first book 'Black & Grey,' I suggest you guys read that first

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If you guys haven't read the first book 'Black & Grey,' I suggest you guys read that first. Luna and Lorenzo are brothers and sisters. They are Marcello's and Eleonora's children, however they do not live with Marcello and Eleonora, they live in Italy. Gabriella and Elena are Luna's children. Gabriella would be about 5 now and Elena probably 1 or 2. Leonardo is Luna's husband.
I really like this scene because it's the wedding aha, hopefully you guys liked it too? I'm not sure if this was written well, but for now I'll keep it up. I've also been quite strong in updating chapters recently, which I'm happy about. Christmas is almost here, it's next week wut! Stay safe!
Hope you guys enjoyed!
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