"What are you doing? You said you were just gonna talk to him." Amanda asks as she watches Dean struggle with the man. "We are going to talk to him." Sam starts pouring the holy water onto the copilot. He begins to burn and Riley shakes her head with her arms crossed. "That's not how you 'talk', Sammy."

      "Oh my god, what's wrong with him?" Amanda asks as the copilot begins to burn. "We need you calm. We need you outside the curtain." Amanda looks like she is beginning to panic. "Don't let anybody in, okay? Can you do that?" Amanda doesn't answer. "Amanda?" She nods. "Okay." Amanda leaves behind the curtain.

      Riley rushes forward and sits on the copilot's legs to keep him still. "All my years of defiant child behavior has added up to this moment." Riley says with a smirk. "Hurry up, Sam. I don't know how much longer I can hold him." Sam drizzles a bit more holy water onto the demon. It tries to kick Riley, but she uses her hands to keep his feet pinned down.

      Sam begins chanting in latin. The demon knocks the holy water out of Sam's hand. He throws Dean off of him, causing him to land on top of Riley. "Shit! Mother fu-" Riley growls in pain. Dean clammers off of her, muttering an apology and going back to trying to keep the demon at bay. Sam begins chanting again and Dean is once again thrown off the demon and onto Riley.

      The demon rips the tape over his mouth off and the lights start to flicker. He grabs Sam by the collar. "I know what happened to you girlfriend!" The demon shouts. Sam stops chanting. "Sammy!" Riley shouts as she shoves Dean off her. "She must have died screaming! Even now, she's burning!" Riley kicks the demon in the face, making his head hit the ground with a loud bang.

      "Shut your pie hole, bitch!" Riley shouts as Dean begins holding the demon again. "Sam!" Dean shouts. Sam begins chanting again. He sets the book aside and holds the other demons arm down. "I got him!" The demon begins kicking, nailing Riley in the chest and making her hit her head on the wall. He also kicks the journal out into the aisle.

      The demon begins to expel out of the copilot's body. Riley rubs her head. "Where'd he go?" Riley groans. "I guess we're at the 'more powerful' stage of the exorcism." Dean looks around. "He's in the plane. Hurry up. We go to finish it." Sam runs out into the aisle.

      Suddenly the plane stops flying and plummets. Riley and Dean scream loudly, clutching each other for dear life. "WHAT THE FUUUU-" Riley gets thrown to the other wall, cutting her off. Dean crashes into her, squishing her between the wall and him. "SAMMY!!!" Riley screams desperately.

      The plane stops falling, and the roar of the engines can be heard again. Everything is calm, but the two Winchesters in the back remain still. "I think I'm going to vomit." Riley mutters. Dean shakes his head. "Don't. If you puke, then I'll puke." Riley gags and swallows down bile and nods. "Yep."

      Dean stands and looks out into the aisle, but Riley remains where she was squashed in the corner. "I am NEVER, ever, doing that again."

      As the Winchesters exit the plane, Riley runs forward and gets down on her knees, kissing the ground, then instantly regretting it and spitting and gagging. "Gross!" She grumbles. Riley wipes at her tongue and Dean laughs at her. Amanda stands a few feet away from the, talking to an FBI agent. She looks at the Winchesters and mouths a 'thank you'.

      Dean nods at her and Riley stands up. "Let's get outta here." Riley makes a noise of agreement. "You okay?" Dean asks Sam. Sam stops Riley and Dean. "Dean, it-" He pauses as he looks away. "It knew about Jessica." Dean shares a look with Riley. "Sam, these things, they- they read minds. They lie. All right? That's all it was."

      Sam grinds his teeth and nods shortly. "Yeah." He says quietly. Dean puts an arm around Riley. "Come on." The three Winchesters leave the airport, two of them silently swearing to never return to one again.

      "Nobody knows what you guys did, but I do." Jerry tells the Winchesters. "A lot of people could have been killed. You're dad's gonna be really proud." Jerry looks at Riley and smirks. "I know damn well your dad is proud." Riley smiles and Dean smirks, resting his arm on her head.

      "We'll see you around, Jerry." Sam tells him as they shake hands. Dean walks around to his side of the car and Riley opens the door to the backseat. "You know, Jerry, I meant to ask you-" Jerry turns to Dean. "How did you get my cell phone number, anyway? I've only had it for like six months." Riley snorts and Dean shoots her a look.

      "Your dad gave it to me." Riley's face becomes completely white. "What?" Sam asks. "When did you talk to him?" Riley glances at her father and he sees her pale features and raises an eyebrow at her. Riley instantly looks away. "I didn't exactly talk to him, but I called his number. His voice message said to give you a call." Riley creases her brows.

      "Thanks again, guys." Jerry walks away. Sam and Dean share a look, both sending a glance towards Riley who is refusing eye contact.

      "This doesn't make any sense, man." Sam says as he and Dean sit on the front of the Impala. "I've called dad's number like 50 times. It's been out of service." Riley glances at her phone. She's texted John a bunch of times since leaving the airport. No response.

      Dean presses the speaker button on his phone. "This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son, Dean- 785-555-0179. He can help." Riley stares at the phone. She hasn't heard her grandfather's voice in... Months.

- author's notes -

Episode four is done!

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