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      "Really? Well, thank you for taking our survey, and if you do plan to fly, please don't forget your friends United Britannia Airlines. Thanks." Sam hangs up his phone. "That takes care of Blain Sanderson and Dennis Holloway. They're not flying anytime soon." Dean glances back at Riley's sleeping form, making sure she is okay.

      She's perfectly fine, besides the fact that she is drooling on the seat, but Dean knows she's tired so he doesn't bother her.

      "Our only wildcard is the flight attendant Amansa Walker." Dean says as he looks back at the road. "Right. Her sister Karen said her flight leaves Indianapolis at 8:00. It's her first night back on the job." Dean sighs. "That sounds like just our luck." Sam shakes his head. "Dean, this is a 5-hour drive, even with you behind the wheel."

      Dean nods and Riley groans in her sleep and turns over, nearly falling off her seat. "Call Amanda's cell phone again, see if we can't head her off at the next pass." Sam scratches his head. "I already left her three voice messages. She must have her cellphone off." Sam checks his watch. "God, we're never going to make it."

      Determination sets on Dean's face. "Oh, we'll make it." He presses on the gass and the car speeds up. There is a few minutes of silence then, "Tell me you haven't noticed it." Dean says. Sam looks at him confused. "Noticed what?" Dean glances at Riley through the rearview mirror.

      "Riley. She's acting off." Sam looks at Riley. He has to admit. She's been rather quiet, especially around the topic of John. "Every time Dad is mentioned, she clams up." Sam observes. Dean nods. "There is no point in asking her. She won't talk." Sam faces forward. "So what are you going to do?"

      Dean smirks, but doesn't say a word. Sam knows exactly what he's going to do. Ever since Riley was a kid she always caved under Dean's stare downs. Dean stares, long and hard, then when Riley makes eye contact he'll raise an eyebrow and she'll look away. Dean will continue to stare and repeat the process until she talks.

      It works every time.

     Sam, Dean and Riley run into the airport and over to the flight reports. Sam points at one of them. "Right there. They're boarding in 30 minutes." Dean nods. "Okay. We still have some cards to play." Riley follows Dean as he begins to walk away from the departure screens. "We need to find a phone."

      Riley looks around and finds a post nearby with a courtesy phone. "Dad!" Riley shouts as she jogs over to it. Sam and Dean follow her and Dean picks up the phone. "Hi, gate 13 please. I'm trying to contact Amanda Walker." Riley looks around. Is being at the airport really the best idea for them? They have broken countless laws.

      "She's a flight attendant on flight, um... Flight 424." Dean nods as the phone rings. "Come on. Come on." Riley meets Dean's eyes and hers widens a bit. She quickly looks away and Dean instantly knows she really is hiding something.

      "Miss Walker," Dean greets as Amanda answers. "Hi, this is Dr. James Headfield from St. Francis Memorial Hospital." Sam and Riley share a look. What is he doing?

      "We have a Karen Walker here." Dean once again looks at Riley and this time she completely turns away from him to avoid his blare. "Nothing serious- Just a minor car accident, but she was injured, so," Dean pauses and looks down. "You what?" Riley turns around and looks at him curiously. "Uh, well... There must be some mistake."

      Dean chuckles after a moment. "Guilty as charged." Riley laughs as Sam literally hovers over Dean. "He's really sorry." Riley creases her brows and Dean shrugs. He's rolling with the punches.

      "Yes, but he needs to see you tonight, so-" Dean pauses. "Don't be like that. Come on. The guy's a mess. Really. It's pathetic." Riley chuckles. "No, wait, Amanda. Amanda." Dean pulls the phone away from his ear and hangs up.

      "Damn it! So close!" Deans hours as he walks away from the phone. Sam shakes his head. "All right, it;s time for plan 'B'." Riley raises an eyebrow. "We're getting on that plane." Riley looks at Dean. "Now, just hold on a second." Dean's eyes become wide. "That plane is leaving with over 100 passengers on board,"

      Sam nods. "And if we're right, that plane is gonna crash." Dean nods and Riley fights off a smile because of the look on his face. "We need to find that demon and exorcise it." Riley's smile starts to fade. "I'll get the tickets. You get whatever you can out of the trunk. Meet me back here in five minutes."

      Dean doesn't move and swallows hard. "Are you okay?" Sam asks. Dean makes a face and Riley glances at him. "No, not really." Sam steps closer to him. "What? What's wrong?" Dean glances at Riley and she puts her hands up. She isn't helping him here. "Well, I kind of have this problem with, uh..." Dean waves his hand and Sam raises an eyebrow.

      "Flying?" Riley doesn't comment. Flying means heights. She hates heights. "It's never really been an issue until now." Sam stares at him duley. "You're kidding, right?" Riley looks away from Sam. "Clowns." She says through a cough.

      "Do I look like I'm joking? Why do you think I drive everywhere, Sam?" Riley purses her lips. "Arrest warrants, money scams, identity fraud-" She begins listing, but Dean cuts her off by stomping on her foot. "Uh, Riley and I will go." Riley's eyes widened. "Hell no. The farthest I will get off the ground is 10 feet."

      "Fine. I'll do this one on my own." Dean shakes his head. "What are you, nuts? The plane's gonna crash." Sam sighs. "We can do it together or I can do this myself. I'm not seeing a third option."

      "C'mon!" Dean shouts as Riley pales. "Really? Man." Riley feels like she might puke.

      "Why'd I have to take the window seat?" Riley asks as she glances out of the window. She pulls the blind closed and closes her eyes. Her grip on the seat's arms is making her knuckles turn white. "Just try to relax." Sam tells them both.

      "Just try to shut up!" Dean and Riley shout in unison. The plane lifts off the ground and Riley lets out a quiet squeal as it rises. Dean's eyes widen in fear as the sound of the wheels retracting can be heard. Sam chuckles at both of them. Riley stomps on his foot. This is going to be hell.

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