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      Riley sticks to Dean's side like glue. Her breathing is uneven. She's scared. A wendigo is bigger than their normal shin-dig. Big hunts like these Riley is usually stuck in the hotel room left to wait. Now she understands why her dad did it. He was protecting her and she wishes her could take back all the times she said he was sheltering her.

      "Dean," Sam says as he looks at the claw marts in the trees above them. Riley looks around at them and grabs Dean's sleeve. The claw marks are perfect and easy to follow. Too perfect. "You know, I was thinking that those claw prints, so clear and distinct..." Sam chuckles and shakes his head looking around. "They were almost too easy to follow."

      Riley gasps and jumps as the wendigo growls near them. Dean grabs Riley and shoves her behind him, looking around wide eyed. Something hits the top of Riley's head. She flinches and looks up, only for it to drip in her face. She touches her face and looks at the blood on her fingers. She pales and Hailey screams, running away.

      She falls to the ground right as Roy's body hits the ground. Riley stares at it wide eyed. "His neck is broken." The wendigo growls. Dean stands and grabs Riley's hand. "Run, run! Go, go, go, go, go!!!!" Riley runs, but her father is faster than her so he drags her along a bit. Ben trips and Sam goes back to help him

      Dean suddenly throws his hand out and Riley freezes on the spot. Hailey screams then the Wendigo charges at them.

      Riley groans in pain as her eyes open. She blinks for a moment then remembers what happened. Her head whips around and she realizes she is upside down. "Dad..." She says weakly as she spots him hanging by his hands next to Hailey. Riley tries to reach for her face, but her hands are tied together.

      Riley growls in annoyance. "Why's he hate me so much?" Riley looks up, or rather, down. "Maybe he had a crazy blonde ex. Yeah that's it." She looked around the room and cringed. "He could seriously use some interior design. I'm not feeling the whole 'I'm going to murder you' vibe."

      Riley hears pounding footsteps and the wendigo steps into the room and snarls at Riley. She gags. "Oh, you are one fugly bitch." It bounds at her and Riley yelps in pain as it slices her shoulder with its claws. She groans in pain and glares at the monster as it stalks out of the room.

      She looks at her shoulder and the blood dripping from it. "Note to self: Don't insult the insecure monster." Riley lets her head hang and her vision starts to become splotchy. She's losing too much blood and with being hung upside down, it makes it worse. She's getting dizzy.

      "Riley." Riley struggles to lift her eyes. "Don't eat me." She mutters. Riley hears a laugh and prys her eyes open. Sam looks back at her and she smiles. "Sammy. Heyyyy." Sam looks at Riley's shoulder. "Where is your knife?" He asks as he glances over at Dean. "Left pocket." Sam takes it out. "Ben. Help me with her."

      Ben grabs Riley's upper body and Sam cuts the ropes keeping her hung upside down. Riley's legs begin to fall but Sam catches them and Riley smiles at him, patting his cheek. "Good Sammy." Sam stands and rushes over to Dean. "Dean. Dean, wake up."

      Ben leaves Riley and runs to his sister. Riley stares up at the ceiling. "Yeah, sure, leave the bleeding girl." Dean wakes up hearing Riley's voice. "Riley?" He asks. Riley is unable to move her arms. One is bleeding, and the other is still recovering from being dislocated.

      "Why's it always me?" She asks. Sam helps Dean out of his ropes. Sam tries to help Dean against the wall, but he wriggles out of Sam's hold and rushes to Riley's side. "Dad, I see the light. It's incredible. A never ending supply of raspberry pie." Dean grunts out a laugh.

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