"Exactly." Wyatt agreed. "And with Eliza and I it's like two trains passing in the night. When I come home she's leaving and when I'm leaving she's coming home. I can't wait for finals to be over and winter break to start. We'll finally all have time for eachother."

"Definately." Zed replied as a grin formed on his face. "Hey, the bonfire is tomorrow night right?

Wyatt nodded. "Yep, right after the football game. I can't wait. Nothing but food, fun, and friends."

"Now that sounds really good." Zed smiled. "And the best part is we'll get to spend a whole night with our girls."

"Yeah." Wyatt replied dreamily as he imagined all the fun he and Eliza would have at the bonfire. There was a reason wolves ran in packs, and it wasn't just for strength and protection, it was companionship. And right now, he was feeling pretty starved for attention and affection. He hoped tomorrow night would fix that.

"Yo, Wyatt, you still with me man?" Zed asked, snapping his fingers in front of his face.

Wyatt pushed his hand away as he shook himself back to reality. "Yeah, I'm good Zed."

"You sure?" Zed asked. "You completely zoned out on me."

Wyatt nodded. "I'm fine, really. I was just imagining what tomorrow would be like that's all."

Zed smirked and started making kissy faces. "Awe, does somebody need some lovin' from his girlfriend?"

"Shut up." Wyatt chuckled, pushing him away.

"Come on man, admit it." Zed replied. "You were sitting here looking like a kicked puppy when I came downstairs. You miss her."

"So what if I do?" Wyatt asked defensively. "Is that a crime?"

Zed shook his head. "No, of course not man. I was just joking around, I didn't mean to upset you."

"Well it wasn't funny." Wyatt replied, standing up.

Zed frowned. "Wyatt, come on man, don't----"

"What's going on?"

The boys looked up and saw Addison standing on the staircase, her hair damp from the shower.

"Nothing sis." Wyatt replied. "I was just heading upstairs."

"Oh no you're not." Addison replied, walking the rest of the way down. "You're going to watch a movie with Zed and I."

"But...." Wyatt began, but he didn't get a chance to finish before Addison pushed him down on the couch.

"No buts." She told him. "We're watching and movie and eating popcorn. Then we will do a bit of studying before dinner okay? We all need to relax."

Wyatt sighed, knowing their was no arguing with Addison once she set her mind to something. "Fine."

"Great." Addison smiled brightly before her expression quickly changed to a glare. "Now, the two of you fix whatever happened before I came down while I fix the popcorn. I will not have my two favorite boys fighting. Got it?"

"Yes mam." Zed soluted.

Wyatt nodded. "Alright."

"Great. Be back in a few minutes." Addison replied, skipping into the kitchen. 

Zed sighed. "I'm really sorry man. I shouldn't have teased you. I know it's been hard on you not being able to spend time with Eliza."

"Its not completely your fault." Wyatt admitted. "I overreacted. That subject is just really touchy and it's hard to admit how much I actually miss spending time with her."

"Well," Zed replied, giving him a small smile. "You have Addison and I to keep you company so let's make the most of it."

Zed reached over and grabbed a movie off the shelf. "How about this one?"

Wyatt couldn't help but laugh. "Twilight? Really Zed? That movie is so cheesy and unrealistic. We werewolves do not actually shapeshift nor are we that dramatic."

"Ehhh." Zed smirked  "That last bit is debatable."

Wyatt rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"Come on." Zed chuckled. "We can make fun of the sparkly vampires."

Wyatt snorted. "Sparkly vampires. I still can't believe that's how they decided to portray them. Can you imagine sparkling people walking around Seabrooke?"

Zed laughed. "Yeah. Good thing vampires are an actual myth."

"For real." Wyatt agreed.

Just then Addison came back in with the popcorn. She placed it on the coffee table and picked up the movie.

"Twilight huh?" Addison chuckled. "Going to make fun of sparkly vampires?"

Zed grinned. "You know it."

Addison shook her head as she put in the movie before taking her place between the boys and holding the popcorn. The boys started to snicker as she pressed play and Addison couldn't help but think this was what they all needed.

Author's Note

Happy holidays everyone! I hope you have all enjoyed these first few chapters. More coming soon in 2021! May this coming year be better for everyone!


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