Different Kinds of Love

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Walker stopped at the edge of the clearing, staring nervously at the entrance to the den. Bucky had told him that Willa and Wade had left together to come back to the den to check on the pack.

Walker sighed. How could he face Wade after what he'd done? Wade had told him he was afraid the truth would divide them, and it had. He had let his temper override his judgement and now Wade's worst fear had been realized, because of him.

Walker wanted to run in the woods and disappear, but everytime the thought entered his mind, he thought of Wren. His sister was counting on him to fix this so she could see both of her brothers. He had to do this.

Walker took a deep breath, heading for the entrance of the den. He peered into the darkness as he got close and was suddenly met by a pair of glowing yellow eyes.

He stumbled back in surprised as a low growl pierced the air and a figure emerged from the shadows.

"How dare you show your face here."

Walker swallowed thickly, keeping his distance. "Hey Willa."

"Don't you 'hey Willa' me." Willa snapped. "Do you even know what you have done? You told me he was your best friend and yet you turned your back on him."

Walker hung his head in shame. "I know I messed up. I let my anger override my judgement. I see that now. I want to make things right. Please, let me come inside."

Willa stood her ground, glaring at him. He stared at her with pleading eyes, but she didn't budge.

"Pretty speech." Willa scoffed. "But here's the thing, words can only get you so far. And once you say something, you can't just take it back. You hurt Wade, you hurt him Walker. You can't just apologize and expect everything to be okay. That's not how it works."

Walker sighed. "I know Willa, but I want Wade to know I regret yelling at him and telling him to leave. I want him to know I'm sorry, even if he doesn't forgive me."

"Yeah?" Willa questioned. "Well I think you are the one who needs to leave. Wade needs time to think and so do you."

Walker growled. "You don't get to make that choice."

Willa's eyes glowed. "I think you've forgotten I outrank you in this pack. Now leave."

"And you've forgotten," Walker began, his own eyes glowing. "That I've never listened to you."

Walker charged forward as Willa positioned herself to block him from entering the den. But instead of slamming into her like she expected, Walker took a flying leap and flipped over her head, landing on his feet and skidding to a halt just inside the entrance of the cave.

Walker smirked as he straightened himself up. "I'll have to thank Wynter for teaching me that move. Guess cheer does have some value. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to see my brother."

Walker turned on his heel and ran towards the main area of the den, desperate to find Wade. Willa shook herself from her stupor and ran after him, angry that he had gone against her, and even angrier that he had gotten the better of her.

"Walker get back here! Walker!"

Walker ignored her pleas, making his way to the heart of the den. Many wolves were still laying about, recovering from the illness. They stared at him as he frantically scanned the room, searching for Wade. "Wade! Wade where are you!?"

Walker heard footsteps behind him and whirled around, only to be met by a fist connecting with his nose.

"I told you to leave!" Willa snarled, her eyes glowing.

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