Look to the Past

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Hey Brother, there's an endless road to re-discover.
Hey Sister, Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker
Ooooh if the sky comes falling down, for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do


The den was quiet, too quiet, but Wyatt didn't hesitate as he headed straight for the entrance. Zed and Addison followed, sharing a worried glance as they entered the main area of the cave.

They found the rest of the pack inside, huddled in small groups. The sounds of coughing and sniffling echoed off the walls, making their stomachs drop as they realized Walker's erupt departure with Wren had done little to prevent the spread of the illness.

Willa saw them looking about and quickly made her way towards them. "Please tell me they've made a cure?"

Wyatt shook his head solemnly. "They can't make one. That's why we're here. We need to talk to mom."

Willa held her head in her hands as she paced back and forth, shaking it in disbelief. "No, no, no, no! This cannot be happening!"

Willa's gaze immediately turned on Addison. "You said if we found Walker we could make a cure! That's what the Great Alphas told you! Why can't they make a cure!?"

"Because Walker isn't the Lupus' true Alpha!" Addison blurted out.

Willa's face morphed from one of anger to one of utter confusion. "What?"

"Walker isn't the Lupus' true Alpha." Addison repeated. "Alpha Wallace had another child, the only way to make the cure is to find him. Except, we don't know who or where he is."

Willa shook her head in disbelief. "You have got to be kidding me. The lives of my pack are relying on some mystery kid that no one knows anything about? That's just great."

"First of all, it's our pack." Wyatt corrected, gesturing to himself, Willa, and Addison. "Second of all, none of us knew that Walker wasn't the Lupus' true Alpha, not even Walker himself. Thing is, we're wasting time by standing here and pointing fingers. So how about we put our grievances to the side and focus on finding a way to find this mystery wolf."

Zed nodded. "I'm with Wyatt on this one. We need to be working together. The faster we figure this out, the faster we get this cure made."

"Fine." Willa sighed, beckoning them to follow before leading over to where Alpha Wylda was sitting. She gave them a warm smile but it quickly faded as a nasty cough caused her whole body to tremble.

"Mom." Wyatt said, his voice laced with concern as he sat down beside her.

Alpha Wylda straightened herself up and patted his knee comfortingly. "I'm alright, I'm alright. Don't worry, I won't be brought down so easily. Now tell me, how are Wren and Walker?"

"That's what we came to talk to you about." Wyatt sighed. "We were wrong, Walker's blood can't be used to make the cure. Only the blood of someone who is half-wolf, half-human will work. We believe Alpha Wallace must have another child, a son, based on the pack's customs, but we don't know how to find him."

Alpha Wylda was quiet as she contemplated his words. This was a situation that seemed to continuously bring more questions than answers. The health of the pack was imperative, but finding a cure was proving to be difficult.

"I did not know Wallace well," Alpha Wylda admitted. "But I know it is not uncommon for wolves to stray from the pack. However, as he was an Alpha, such a relationship would have been frowned upon. Though, mistakes can be made and accidents do happen."

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