A Look at Our Lives

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Hey everyone! It's me Wynter! I cannot believe it has been almost two years since we graduated from Seabrooke High!

Senior year was a blast! We celebrated our 18th birthdays, the Senior Prawn, the anticipation for graduation....it was a-mazing! Well, until the Zombies went, well, zombie.

Yeah, this evil doctor guy, Dr. Patey, hacked all the Z-bands! The zombies were zombied out for over a day, that's like, really bad.

But the good news is Addison and Wyatt went to Z-Tech and used the software Eliza created to find the problem! Bad news, they didn't have the key to undo the damage!

When they traced the virus to find its source, they discovered it was on Bucky's laptop. But guess what? Bucky didn't do it! That evil Dr. Patey used his laptop and framed him!

Seeing no other choice they confronted Dr. Patey but instead of fixing the mess he caused, he ran! He nearly got away, but thankfully the wolves and I were escorting a Zombified Eliza to Z-Tech! Despite her Zombie-ism, Eliza still managed to create a program that could find the key for us!

Anyway, Dr. Patey came running done the hall and Addison yelled to stop him so I tackled him to the floor, just like Zed when he was trying to get us to change. Fun times.

We used Eliza's program to find the key and fix the Z-band malfunctions and everyone finally went back to normal.

It was a crazy end to the year but at least everyone is okay and Dr. Patey went to jail which serves him right!

Anyway, you're probably wondering what's happening now right? Well, things have actually been nice here in Seabrooke. Addison talked to Bucky and got me on the college cheer squad!

That's right, you heard me, College Cheer Squad. College Cheer is so much more complex than high school cheer. We do longer and more complex routines and everybody is just running and jumping, and flipping all over the place and it's so awesome! We even get to cheer for the football team which means I get front row seats thr watch the boys dominate the field! I'm so excited!

Okay, calm down Wynter. You still have to explain about the others too. So, Wyatt and Willa are working on their business degrees so they can start their own clothing store specializing in Zombie and Werewolf style clothing and other unique clothes that aren't so....well....Seabrooke.

Addison and I are working on a business degrees too. We both want to go pro in our individual sports, but if we don't, we want something to fall back on. Addison wants to run her own gymnastics/cheer studio and I want to join Willa and Wyatt in their clothing business. Addison is also super excited that Bucky is studying Physical Therapy. He's been interning at Z-Tech as well. Now that Zombies are becoming more involved, he's decided to study human and Zombie medicine. Plus as Bucky put it: 'Somebody has to be able to fix up his baby cousin's boyfriend when he goes pro and gets hurt.' I guess that's Bucky's way of showing his support for Zed and saying he'll have his back. I've given up trying to understand him.

Since I mentioned Zed, let's talk about him. Zed, Zed is well....Zed. All he thinks about is football. It's his dream. And I have to admit he's good at it. On the side Zed is studying Physical Education. If he doesn't go pro or does and decides to retire one day, he wants to be a gym teacher and coach for other kids which I think is cool on his part.

Speaking if teaching, Bree and Bonzo are education majors. She wants to teach elementary school one day and Bonzo wants to be music teacher. I don't know how the kids will understand him though.... maybe the zombie kids in his class can translate or his students will learn Zombie? Who knows?

Eliza has been studying computers and technology, no duh, and working at Z-Tech as Dr. Andrews' intern. She's been loving it and together Eliza and Dr. Andrews have been making major improvements to the Z-band upgrades and their virtual security. Making sure nothing like Dr. Patey's scheme happens again.

Oh! And I almost forgot the best news ever! Dr. Andrews and Dr. Hazel are officially parents! They had a sweet little boy they named Ezekiel Bryan Andrews, or Zeke (pronounced: Zeek) for short. He's so cute! He has big blue eyes like his dad and green hair like his mom, but his skin is normal colored like a human.

They've been keeping a close eye on him but Zeke just passed his 1st birthday and so far he hasn't shown any signs of needing a Z-band! Dr. Andrews and Dr. Hazel are so happy and everyone is excited that one day Z-bands may become a thing of the past!

I can't wait to see what the future has in store!


Author's Note

You asked for it and I delivered. Enjoy!


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