Such a Familiar Gleam

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Excited chatter drifted through the trees as excited Seabrooke University students made their way to the bonfire. After winning the big game and passing their finals, everyone was ready to kick off winter break with a bit of fun.

The cool weather made it a perfect time to sit around the fire and it wasn't long before they caught a glimpse of the orange glow through the trees. Everyone quickened their pace, even more excited to reach their destination. When they entered the clearing the werewolves howled in welcome and everyone gathered around the fire.

Addison, Zed, and Wyatt sat down backpacks overflowing with chocolate, Graham crackers and marshmallows as Bonzo passed around cups and thermoses of hot cocoa. The werewolves came around and handed out sticks for roasting marshmallows and everyone got settled in.

Eliza stuck a marshmallow on her stick and held it over the fire. She watch the marshmallow to make sure it didn't burn as a cool breeze blew through. Eliza shivered as the cool weather began to seep in. Zombies had a naturally lower body temperature which made them more susceptible to the cold.

Wyatt noticed her shivering and placed a hand on her shoulder in concern. "Eliza, are you okay?"

"Just a little chilly." Eliza admitted.

Wyatt frowned and pulled her to her feet. "We can't have that can we?"

Wyatt sat down and then pulled Eliza down in front of him so she was sitting between his legs. He rested his head on her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist so that her back was pressed against his chest. "There, better?"

Eliza smiled as ahe turned and pressed a kiss to his cheek before melting into his warm. "Much better, thank you. But how are you going to roast marshmallows if you're holding me?"

"I guess you'll just have to roast extra and feed them to me." Wyatt smirked.

Eliza rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips. "I suppose, but if you get it in my hair I will kill you."

Wyatt laughed. "Then I suggest you forgo the Graham crackers and chocolate and just put the marshmallows in my mouth."

"I suppose that works." Eliza smirked. "Chocolate is bad for dogs anyway."

"Hey!" Wyatt pouted. "I have you know I can eat chocolate just fine."

"Yeah, when you can get it in your mouth." Eliza teased.

Wyatt pouted, then looked over at his sister and smirked.

"Willa!" Wyatt whined dramatically. "Eliza is being mean to me!"

"Oh my god." Willa groaned, trying not to laugh. "I am not playing referee with you two. Solve your own problems."

The rest of the group snickered at her words as Eliza held up a marshmallow to Wyatt's lips. "Here Wolfie, eat up before I change my mind."

Wyatt grinned and took the marshmallow into his mouth and then licked her hand for good measure.

"Wyatt!" Eliza shrieked, wiping her hand furiously on his pants. "That. Was. So. Gross!"

Wyatt laughed into her shoulder, desperately trying not to spit out the marshmallow he was chewing. "I-I couldn't resist."

"Well you better resist, or I won't give you anymore." Eliza warned.

Wyatt nodded, pressing a kiss to the side of her neck. "Fine, I'll be good."

Zed chuckled as he watched the two interact. "You guys are too much."

"He's too much." Eliza clarified with a huff, pointing at Wyatt. "Yet for some reason I still love him."

Wyatt grinned as he nuzzled the crook of her neck. "You still love me because as much as I annoy you I also make you happy and smile."

Eliza sighed, leaning back against his chest as she took a bite of her own marshmallow. "I suppose that's true Wolfie."

Wyatt leaned down and pressed his lips to hers as he held her tight.

"Get a room!" Wynter groaned, pretending to gag.

"For real." Willa replied. "You're worse than Z and Cheery McCheerstein over there."

"Hey!" Addison and Zed pouted.

"Sorry guys." Willa chuckled but it is true. "You guys are the worst when it comes to PDA."

Zed pressed a kiss to Addison's temple as he snaked his arms around her waist. "I can't help it if I love showing affection to my girl."

"So that requires you to kiss her after every class?" Willa deadplanned.

"Yup." Zed grinned. "Always."

Addison smiled softly. "And I think its sweet."

Willa groaned. "You're so in love it's disgusting."

The group chuckled at her response as Bonzo leaned over and snatched the bag of marshmallows Wynter had been scarfing down.

"Hey!" Wynter pouted.

"Zon zig Wynska. (No more Wynter.)" Bonzo scolded gently.

Wynter opened her mouth to argue but Willa placed a hand on her shoulder. "He's right Wynter, you've had enough. Remember when you ate all that birthday cake? We don't need you going on a sugar high."

Wynter sighed and folded her arms. "Fine, but I'm not going to be happy about it."

"Didn't expect you to be." Willa chuckled, taking a seat by the fire. "So, who wants to tell scary stories?"

"Oooo! Oooo! Me! Me!" Wynter jumped up excitedly. "I wanna do it!"

"Alright then." Willa replied. "The floor is yours."

Wynter grinned. "Once upon a time, long ago a pack of werewolves went on a hunt to scavenge to for food. One of the wolves strayed from the pack and was attacked by an out of control animal. The pack managed to save him, but after that day he was never the same. With each passing day he became angrier and more violent, lashing out at his pack mates for no reason. His eyes would flicker from brown to yellow as if his moonstone was becoming unstable. Then one day, he lost conplete control. His eyes turned completely yellow and he began to attack his own pack. The pack fought back and managed to drive the berserk werewolf into the woods, but not before he killed several members of their pack. To this day, people claim to hear unknown howls and yellows eyes glowing in the darkness of the forest."

The group clapped as Wynter took a bow.

"Nice story Wynter." Addison replied. "But is it true?"

"No one knows." Wynter replied. "But most believe it's an old legend told to scare werepups."

Addison nodded just as they all heard a deep growl. They turned and saw Willa had stood up and was staring towards the woods, her eyes glowing yellow.

"Very funny Willa." Zed replied. "But we know you're trying to scare us."

Willa growled again before glancing his way. "I'm not playing, we're being watched."

Wyatt stood up as he and Wynter sniffed the air before growling, their eyes glowing yellow.

"Willa's right." Wyatt told them, we're not alone. "Someone is watching."

Addison stood up and looked towards the edge of the woods. She focused on her werewolf abilities and sniffed the air. Sure enough, a strong, unknown scent was coming from nearby. "They're right, I can smell it."

Willa growled and took a step towards the woods. "We know you're there. I suggest you show yourself or I will drag your sorry ass out. Your choice."

A rustling in the brush echoed through the clearing and Addison gasped as a pair of glowing yellow eyes emerged from the shadows.

Author's Note

So life threw me a curveball yesterday so here is the chapter that was supposed to have gone up yesterday. Love you all and keep reading!


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