Once Upon a Dream

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Addison found herself outside the wolf den, the place was quiet except for the sound of moaning coming from within.

Just then, Willa emerged from the trees. Dark circles had formed under her eyes and her eyes were dull and lifeless, unlike the normal fire that normally burned inside them.

"Willa? Are you okay? What's going on?" Addison asked.

But Willa didn't answer, she simply walked past her without a second glance while carrying a large basin filled with water into the den.

"Willa!" Addison called after her, but her words fell on deaf ears once more.

Confused, Addison followed her into the den. The normally bright cave was dim, and as she neared the heart of the wolf den, the moaning grew louder.

The first thing Addison saw was Willa on her knees, dabbing a wet cloth to her mother's forehead. Alpha Wylda, once strong and healthy, now laid in front in her daughter, pale, weak, and drenched with sweat.

She watched as Willa lifted her mother's head and held a spoon of water to her lips. "Mom, you have to drink."

Alpha Wylda took small sips before a nasty coughing fit set in, causing her entire body to shudder and fall back against the mat.

Willa waited for the fit to pass before holding out the spoon once more. "Try again mom."

"No." Alpha Wylda rasped weakly. "Tend to the others. Do not waist more time on me."

Willa shook her head. "But mom--"

"No." Alpha Wylda cut her off. "Do as I say, if not as your mother, than as your alpha. Go."

Willa bowed her head but didn't utter a word as she collected her things and moved to another wolf who was laying nearby. That was when Addison took a good look around the den. Almost the entire pack was bedridden, pale, weak, and sweating. She saw Wynter and Wyatt taking care of other wolves nearby, maybe they wouldn't ignore her as Willa did.

"Wyatt, Wynter, what happened? What is going on here?" Addison asked.

Neither answered and continued their work without a sound. Addison was tired of being ignored and reached out to grab Wyatt's shoulder, only to recoil in shock when her hand passed right through him.

Addison stared at her hand in disbelief. Why couldn't she touch her brother? Why couldn't they hear her?

Before her mind could question it further, the sound of another coughing fit snapped her from her thoughts. Addison turned back to the scene in front of her and saw Wynter had slumped herself against the wall, doing her best to hide her coughing, but to no avail.

Wyatt got up and walked over to Wynter, scooping her up and laying her in an empty bed.

"You need to rest." Wyatt told her gently, covering her with a blanket. "You've worked hard enough."

"But the others." Wynter protested, trying to get up."I haven't finished my rounds."

Wyatt gently pushed her back down on the bed. "I will finish your rounds. It's okay, just rest."

Wynter sighed and reluctantly obeyed as Wyatt went back to tending to the other wolves.

Addison continued to watch in disbelief. Why were the wolves sick? They looked worse than they did when their moonstones were running out of power. Addison turned back towards the entrance of the cave, she needed to leave, to get help.

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